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Posts posted by mfd101

  1. Noting the low rate of testing, it does appear nevertheless that Thailand has a low rate of infection with the CV. There may have been quite a few more related deaths amongst the rural poor, marked as 'pneumonia', and there have been 1 or 2 reports of an increase in pneumonia deaths since late last year. But overall the evidence for a massive infection/death rate is not there - no overwhelmed hospitals (at least no more than usual) ...


    The real question is: Why & how has Thailand come through relatively unscathed? It would be hard to credit the Thai government with good policies and effective implementation for just about anything you can think of, let alone a worldwide pandemic.


    Perhaps climate? (warmth vs colder countries - I note for instance that the maps of French CV infection always show far more infections inland in the east & centre than on the Atlantic coast). Cultural? (relative social distancing vs Western hugging'n kissing, noting that apart from old people's homes in the West the evidence points to most transmission taking place within the family) ... Poverty here is different from poverty in Western countries - more open-air, more physical exercise ...

    • Thanks 1
  2. Putin will certainly be thinking hard about how to turn this in to the next block in his rebuilding of the Russian empire.


    Remember, Putin is the man who has twice been mad enough to speak publicly of "My predecessor Peter the Great" ... which is the equivalent of Boris Johnson speaking of "My predecessor Thomas Cromwell" (or even 'Oliver Cromwell'), and not even Boris is mad enough to do that!

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  3. I have no wish to protect those who killed, brutalized or tortured helpless & innocent people. But I do find the Bruno Dey case rather disturbing.


    In this case nowhere is it claimed that a 17-year-old boy killed, brutalized or tortured anyone. In effect he is punished for just being there, and wearing the wrong uniform.


    Which is rather like what happened to the millions who were killed by the Nazis: They were just there, in the wrong place, and - as it were - wearing the wrong uniform.


    The fact that the now old man is tried under children's court rules makes the whole virtue-waving process the more ridiculous. Ignorant, anachronistic & unjust.

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  4. Thailand teeters on the edge of modernity.


    I shall have to propose to my Thai b/f who is already my Oz certified partner. As we can see in the current plaguetime, being actually married here & recognized by the bureaucracy has certain advantages (much as in Oz where they're mostly financial).


    As long as we don't have to go thru the Khmer village wedding ceremony again ...



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