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Posts posted by mfd101

  1. 4 minutes ago, chilly07 said:

    I have now done 15 mths of FTT TransferWise transfers into Bangkok Bank and collected Credit Advices for each which I then take back to my bank to produce the IO letter. No extra charge and no 7 day wait

    Yes, use TW to Bangkok Bank (& tick the TW box that says 'For long stay in Thailand' or words to that effect). Works every time with 'FTT' showing in your BKK Bank book.

  2. 59 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    So you're saying the other member's claim is speculation.

    Knowing he's there and inviting him in aren't the same thing.


    I note however that the widow of the dictator who started the whole shooting match (before having his plane shot down), Habyarimana, and who herself is accused of major involvement in the genocide, is - according to yesterday's Le Monde - living cheerfully and undisturbd in Paris.

  3. SURFACE mail to Oz? (as opposed to AIR mail?).


    I don't suppose there's been much of that for decades. And parcels would usually go by air courier not surface mail.


    (My household goods, including large library, came by ship over several weeks from Canberra/Sydney in 2017, if that's any help.)

  4. All the worst of Thai culture on display: (1) Vague rules vaguely & inconsistently enforced (2) Thais as individuals their own worst enemy - failure to register or to change registration or address/occupation last year or 10 years ago and so not within the scope of the exercise, but still complain bitterly.


    Rules don't apply to ME but I should still benefit from them!!

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