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Posts posted by mfd101

  1. 8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    I think they realize this is only the start but I don't think it's nothing or hopeless. Their stated agenda is realistic and reasonable. A plan is already in place. Register youth and allies and get out the vote. Hold town meetings everywhere and make all candidates commit to a position or deal with the consequences. This is a good plan. Now follow through is needed. I won't predict that either way but it's not unreasonable to hope.


    Also consider good or bad the USA is an extremely youth focused culture. So what these youth want if they keep pushing can make a difference.


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    Yes, the thing about Usofa is that its peoples are highly ideological ie committed to varying sets of ideas & willing to argue and even struggle for them. They believe in things - which, depending on the particular network of beliefs, can be better or worse. [cf Australia where noone believes in anything much except the Government coming to the rescue - which makes life reasonably quiet and comfortable for most people, but rather boring.]

  2. So - if the cynics and hopelessness-peddlers & fellow travellers are right - how come all the politicians commenting haven't been arrested already? not to mention the various comment-makers on this site? And how come all the East European including Russian dictatorships were so quickly & relatively easily overthrown in 1989 & 1990? not to mention Suharto in Indonesia.


    When the people as a whole decide enough is enough and demonstrate with courage & determination in the streets, dictatorships fold quite quickly, and the military & police swap sides quickly too. And getting action is in general MUCH MUCH easier today than it was 30 years ago because of modern technology ... even the NRA in Usofa is looking a bit frightened by the school students campaigning against them!



  3. 6 minutes ago, sukhumvitneon said:

    Sad but true.  Brexit was a referendum on immigration, but the baby got thrown out with the bath water.

    Yes, and the reason is Schengen: namely, that - WITHIN the European borders - open borders is an integral part of the whole deal: trade in goods & services, education & culture, security & on & on. The notion that you can have an EU WITHOUT open borders WITHIN is a nonsense.

    • Like 2
  4. 2 minutes ago, Jeffrey346 said:

    The Gov allocates each internet provider a specific amount of bandwidth outside of Thailand.

    Providers automatically cut back depending on traffic. That is why you will never get decent speeds to sites outside of Thailand.

    "Never" is a big word. I normally get in the range 35-45mbps as measured by testmy.net but only now & then over the last 3 days ...

  5. 8 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

    Funny that recently i had a chat with a guy from Yorkshire, i could not understand everything he said, but he could understand me perfectly.

    That's normal: Speakers of the 'standard' language, or close to it, are understood by all native speakers, but speakers of regional variants are not understood - or only with difficulty - by speakers of the 'standard' language.

    • Like 1
  6. 24 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

    There is absolutely no down side to the meeting between the NORKS and President Trump. 

    Only positive things can come about literally for the whole world when nuclear disarmament occurs on the peninsula. 

    You're assuming that it will happen. On past performance, the NK will just use this as a reason to go quiet for a while & absorb some Western aid, then the next round of blackmail will start in a couple of years ...


    So there's no cause for optimism. Au contraire. Still, it's worth a try.

    • Like 1
  7. 10 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    Only in some drug induced fantasy, they are sorry to see us go, but do they need us to survive, hardly. We appear to have a absurdly inflated idea of our own importance.

    Screen Shot 2018-03-09 at 21.33.19.png

    Yes, the Brexiters remind me of my father in NZ during the 1950s & 60s: The Queen was on her throne, London was the centre of the universe, and all was well with the world. Oh, and we won The War (not those awful Americans).

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