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Posts posted by mfd101

  1. A question for all lovers of good espresso and have a home espresso semi- or fully-automatic machine: Where do you get your supplies of descaler agent for the machine?


    I have looked here in Surin city but can't find any. I asked at Starbucks Surin (who, these days, actually make a decent espresso, crema and all) and they said they get theirs delivered in bulk ... I'm interested if there's somewhere in central Bangkok I can go to eyeball it before buying - Asoke, Nana, Sukhumvit Rd would be ideal but can go further afield if necessary.

  2. Mmmm, so having a loony in the White House can - possibly - be productive. Apart from the theoretical advantages of discontinuity - throw everything up in the air and see where it falls - , the fact that Trump is a loony means that his foes have to deal with massive unpredictability in a way that they don't have to when dealing with relatively sane people. This makes them more careful ...

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  3. 1 hour ago, a977 said:

    Friend got Stat Dec from Australian Embassy 7/03/2018 no proof required. Just fill out form and get witnessed also pay 1700thb. (got to pay for new building)

    Yes, mine was exactly the same last October.


    The point of course is that the Embassy does NOT vouch for or certify the truth of your statement of income. All it does - as with any stat dec in Oz - is witness YOUR signature. Yet it satisfies Thai Immi - they just love the stamps & the officialdom, even though it's quite meaningless.

  4. The Irish border problem about sums it all up: Britain doesn't want a north-south divide in the Irish Sea and for good reason. No! Britain doesn't want an east-west divide between north & south, and for good reason. No! Britain doesn't want the only rational solution - for Britain to stay in the customs union. No!


    So what does Britain want? Noone can work it out, least of all the British non-government. There is no 4th option that anyone has been able to come up with.


    So lots of No's by next March and Britain will tumble off the cliff with No deal, No continuing trade preferences, and No new FTAs with Vanuatu, Oz, India, Canada, Usofa or Zimbabwe. Well done, Brits. You've excelled even my close-to-zero expectations.


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  5. 2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I'm rather warming to Brexit.


    Not that I in anyway support the madness, but when the government's own analysis clearly indicates that the areas of the UK that voted for Brexit will be worst hit by the consequences, I am at least comforted in the thought there is some justice in the forthcoming decimation of the Brexit voting local economies. 


    Meanwhile Brexit voters keen to 'stick one on the elite' can rejoice as the post Brexit bonus of reduced worker rights, reduced environmental protections, reduced controls over banks and tax dodging shaft the workers and enrich the elite. 


    'Deregulated' Britain is going to be a very 'interesting' place for anyone who's not already loaded. 





    Oh, you are so cruel.


    But it's hard not to laugh. Certainly, collective suicide is an interesting phenomenon ...

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  6. The Ekins and Simpson pieces above bear careful reading by all the tired & emotional people on all sides.


    Their substance is that the referendum outcome (Brexit) is a done deal which cannot be changed either by the British parliament or by a second referendum. All that either of those theoretical possibilities could do would be to reject the detail of the negotiated Brexit outcomes, which would result in Britain's exit without a deal. Naked into the world tumbled the newborn child ...

  7. Looking on from afar (Oz & Thailand) I had long thought he looked a bit lightweight. But his appalling performance at the recent signing ceremony for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which turned into a non-signing ceremony because of his last-minute change of mind, and now this latest ridiculous performance - Life as a fashion statement - suggests that there really isn't much between the ears.


    Sad for Canada.

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  8. 11 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    In a nutshell.


    Britain wants a Brexit trade deal that gives it free, unrestricted access to EU markets but where it was “not required to obey European rules”, David Davis has said.


    Very drôle. Clearly the Brits have some intellectual geniuses at the helm, so I'm sure all will be well.

  9. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    The UK income letter is done by the embassy after an application is submitted for it.

    Australia and other countries do theirs as a statement, statutory declaration, affidavit and etc.

    Here is the template used at the US embassy for a income affidavit. income-verification-affidavit-bkk-0517.pdf

    In the Australian case, they give you a stat dec form for you to fill out & then they place a dated Embassy stamp on the stat dec. In effect, the Embassy merely witnesses your signature on your stat dec. They in no way vouch for the truth of your statement or for any evidence in support of it.

  10. 2 hours ago, Grouse said:

    What's obvious is that she really wants the status quo while keeping the abomination that is the Brexiteers happy. ?

    Yes, we want to change everything but we want everything left unchanged.


    Or, to get down to the nittygritty: We want the symbolism to change so that everyone will be happy and we want the matters of substance not to change so that everyone will be happy.


    If you're a politician, that all sounds quite reasonable.


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