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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. In many (most?) cultures all around the world and since as far back as we can trace, it is men who have been the peacocks of H. sapiens. The hens have mostly been on the dowdy side.
  2. The least the OP could do is to give us the unblurred photo, so we can judge for ourselves.
  3. And was the general (still alive) who overthrew the Thaksin government in a military coup in 2006 ever prosecuted?
  4. Yes, a fundamental part of Thai culture is built on matters of hierarchy & status, and the appearances that accompany them. So it is what 'appears' that matters, not what 'really' happened. At the trivial level this is one thing that irritates me in my b/f's behaviour (Thai Khmer). When something goes wrong, small or large, with which I had no connection at all, in the space of half a second it will turn out to be my fault. Only if I fairly harshly rub his nose in it will he then giggle and admit the fault was his ...
  5. The Australian federal opposition (Liberal/National) is taking a plan for SMRs (starting later 2030s) to the federal election due in May. The argument is that modern economies require RELIABLE electricity - and more & more of it (eg AIs), which renewables - wind, batteries & hydro (the latter almost non-existent in Oz) - are incapable of. Gas & coal required for the transition to a nuclear & renewables longterm. It will take a major blackout in NSW or Victoria or Queensland before the election to swing enough voters to the Coalition to change the government. The current Labor government is wedded to renewables-only and getting rid of coal asap. Recently however it has conceded that gas will have to continue longer as widespread blackouts threaten. Interestingly, the polls show that younger voters (say 18-38) are very open to a nuclear future.
  6. I was forced by my Australian bank (NAB) to take out a TIN even though, under the DTA, my entire income in Thailand comes from Australian Federal Government superannuation and is unassessable/untaxable in Thailand. So I have a TIN and what am I going to do with it? At this stage, nothing at all. Wait and see. If the TRD approaches me or summons me for a little get-together, I figure I have nothing to fear and can show the details of both my income & the DTA. I don't think they're going to punish me for not lodging a tax return by the end of March.
  7. I think my last sentence answers your question. More generally, I think that Thai medics don't trust Thai patients to follow the instructions for the 24 or 48 hours before the procedure takes place. In my observation they are not entirely wrong-minded in that regard.
  8. A geriatric 'People's Reform Network' attacking from the right is a ludicrous concept. If a real reform party (eg Pita & co) were in power, the PRN would be leading the tanks down to the Parliament to blow the real reformers away.
  9. The women are in another room stuffing themselves with food, while the men drink themselves under the table in this room.
  10. Just for price comparison: 3 weeks ago my b/f (age 35) had a gastroscopy & a colonoscopy done here in Prasat Surin at the very good public hospital. One night & 2 half-days in hospital: doctor's fee 3000 + hospital hospitality 3000. Total 6000฿. I had a colonoscopy done at the private hospital in Surin 18 months ago. Held prisoner 2 nights & paid 68000฿.
  11. And what 'premium' does the guvamint assign to those of us who can't stand either place? What are they going to do for US?
  12. The tone of the article is basically naive to a level that is ridiculous. Political fluff.
  13. Rather like the dual Presidential system about to take office in Usofa under Musk/Trump.
  14. He's not involved in politics. He's just an ordinary (albeit prominent) member of the public making comments on matters of public interest ...
  15. At least some evidence for the Thai powers-that-be that it's action rather than announcements that changes the world for the better ...
  16. Do you have any empirical evidence either way?
  17. Yes, scams succeed mostly because of human greed.
  18. Is this the same as the Chinese police-training scandal?
  19. Yes, I would think that any jail term on her reentry would stir up many many fair-minded Thais to protest very loudly. She should just hop on a plane and arrive. Shouldn't be too difficult for the PT-led guvamint to move the guideline pegs around to accommodate changing realities.
  20. Hanson has published assorted 3rd-rate history books. Their common theme is: "Our brave lads against the funny natives. No wonder we always win. We're free, democratic and Christian, and we always have been, right back to the Greeks."
  21. There are millions of rural poor (and not just in Isaan) who have NO regular income at all (apart from some minor - ie unlivable - government handouts). I support a family of poor uneducated, illiterate Khmer peasants here in Surin (my b/f's family). The (not-fully) extended family amounts to 30+ members. I support some half-a dozen regularly. They have no other income. Their agricultural produce is for living off, not for market. They have no 'salesman' skills.
  22. But most of the US debt is owed to itself! so not too much to worry about. The huge advantage of running the international monetary system.
  23. Success breeds complacency and the (temporary) end of success. Germany & Oz are current examples. But nothing is forever. Failure breeds political & social change. That's the great advantage of democracies over authoritarian regimes: the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. As for the French, they have a death wish.
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