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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. If, as in my case, your entire income is excluded by the DTA (Thai/Oz) from being taxed in Thailand, do I still have to declare that income for assessing? Or do I just sit quietly with my TIN & do nothing?
  2. Rational decision-making would have cancelled the submarine long ago (with quiet thanks to the German government in reaching that end). And the thanks could be made concrete (so to speak) by ordering the new frigates from Germany.
  3. Nice in theory but - as in EVERY country - it's the government of the day that gets to appoint the relevant members, with or without further consultation.
  4. My partner and I will go slow on this, waiting for the news to penetrate (if you'll pardon the term) here at the edge of the jungle. Too many ifs & butts at this stage ...
  5. Poor Pitak. He's virtually bankrupt!
  6. So how come these 'students' are also 'Chinese volunteer police'? What are their duties & powers to be?
  7. As far as I'm aware, Pacific Cross is a Thai company. I think it operates in other ASEAN countries, but I don't think it's a Thai branch of a non-Thai company.
  8. Mmmm, well in my case I have a 3 million ฿ insurance with Pacific Cross. Expensive because taken out at age 72 or 73, but I'm happy with it and with the service they provide at annual renewal (polite & helpful). At age 75 I haven't made any claims as yet. Submitted each year with OA renewal & passed by Immigration without comment each time. (This last time in October I commented as they leafed through my financials that my 40-years-younger b/f is rich & I am poor. They laughed & said: Yes we noticed that from your bank book.)
  9. The investment AND its earnings are free of tax in Oz. That's part of the early retirement package from my ancient federal government superannuation scheme (CSS - closed to newcomers in the early 1990s precisely because it was too generous). I expect that the relevant clause of the DTA means that the earnings of that investment - untaxable in Oz - cannot be taxed in Thailand. It would be a weird outcome if that were not the case.
  10. My understanding - but others may know better than me - is that the requirement for a THAI insurance cover no longer exists.
  11. OK, that makes sense. Certainly better than my (2) above. Will follow up. Thanks for that.
  12. I bring in over 1 million ฿ each year, converted from Oz dollars. It is all derived from 2 sources: my investment of my lump sum on retirement from the Australian Public Service in 2004 (ie well outside Thai assessability) + fortnightly income from Oz federal government current expenditure (ie Thai-assessable from Jan 2024). I was forced 2 or 3 months ago - by my Oz bank (NAB) - to take out a Thai TIN, which I did assisted by the helpful & polite ladies at the TRD office here in Prasat Surin. So I now have 3 options: (1) Fill out Thai tax declaration, pointing out the relevant (difficult to understand - even for me) section in the Thai/Oz DTA, which appears to say that my second source above - the only relevant one - can be taxed ONLY in Oz; OR (2) Do nothing, on the basis that my assessment is that I have no tax due to Thailand (now or in the future); OR (3) Consult the nice ladies at the local TRD, where they probably have not seen or heard of such a thing as a DTA. Mmmmm. I think I should do (3), but I'm inclined towards (2), at least for the next 12 months ... to see how matters evolve. Any relevant comments?
  13. I'm looking forward to visiting it one day, but I do find that - apart from Bangers & Chiang Mai - every town in Thailand large or small looks much the same as the next one. And the countryside also ... This is of course a superficial reaction based on my ignorance after 9 years of living permanently in Surin province.
  14. We are living the reunification of the human species. A 1000-year project. Nothing can stop it - for cultural, economic, technological and above all demographic reasons. Hang in there. Get used to it. Enjoy it while you can.
  15. The solution to life's problems is obvious: Increase my wages and reduce costs. Any guvamint that can't do that should be overthrown by the masses.
  16. So, an end to poverty in Thailand!
  17. 1000 'generals' down to a mere 500? How will they manage? Surely having a 'general' in charge of each platoon of conscripts is how every modern armed force operates. Just ask the Russians.
  18. You always take this line, but fail to consider the rationale - as the OP states - for staying with OA, namely the insurance requirement is fine & accepted. In my case, at age 75 I need decent health insurance anyway so there's no advantage in changing to another visa type.
  19. Always ask for a receipt BEFORE handing over money. 9 times out of 10 he'll make a rude noise then wave you on without the fine ...
  20. So 59 & 62 is elderly? Not amongst Khmer peasants, I shouldn't think. As to the money stored, fairly typical levels of ignorance involved. My PILs - 78 & c81 - don't have bank accounts. Never been inside a bank in their life. One of their sons (still virginal at 38) has never been inside a shop of any kind in his life. Waits outside in the carpark when we venture in ...
  21. Poland moving up the economic ladder ... Good to see (I guess).
  22. Yet another Falang comes to Thailand for drugs (yawn). Public whipping would be good.
  23. I must say that the British interviewer appears arrogant, condescending & fairly stupid.
  24. He has the appearance (in the interview) of being intelligent & civilized. Given the horrors of the last regime - over 50 years of it - the notion that all will be just fine after 3 months is ridiculous. Syria is hugely complex as to ethnic groups & religions. And deep history going back 3000 years. We can only sit back and watch the new people as they struggle to revive a terrorized nation. And wish them all the best. Foreign interference - Russian, Iranian, Israeli, US - will complicate things, though the first 2 look to be greatly weakened, possibly terminally.
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