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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. Woops, I thought this was going to be a surprise new candidate for the Presidency ...
  2. High risk whatever MFP and PTP do: (1) If MFP votes against Sretta & goes into (effectively) one-party opposition, it may last thru till the next election whenever that is and then triumph with a smashing victory. Or it may or may not be abolished by CC edict but in any case it gradually sinks in to irrelevance like the Democrats and more or less disappears from the scene after the next election; (2) Basically the same - more or less extreme - alternatives await PTP. They 'lead' a government dominated by dinosaurs and suffer a resounding defeat & irrelevance at the next election, or they retire next week into a dignified opposition party alongside MFP and live to hope for a better future after the next wunnerful exercise of Thai democracy.
  3. I suspect Alibaba is under the gun in Communist China. Former owner Jack Ma ... Ergo: No longer dependable for anything.
  4. Well, good luck with all of that ... I note in passing that pardons come from only one person so no guarantees there, I should think.
  5. All the fun of a one-legged race. Except it's hard to tell which leg will get up.
  6. So, the implication is that Thailand has only just discovered the concept of sniffer dogs? And, as suggested above, so many soi dogs everywhere looking for gainful employment!
  7. Not me particularly. But I suggest than many of those who whine & grizzle about exchange rates are themselves consumers of products imported in to Thailand. And, judged by the whining that goes on, they don't make the connection between the 2.
  8. I hope all those Westerners praying for a lower baht are prepared for the consequent inflation in prices, particularly of things that Westerners love to buy.
  9. mfd101

    Cheap barbers

    Here in Prasat Surin the price is still 60 or 70฿ but I give him 100.
  10. What I notice in a status/face-obsessed culture is the sheer speed with which a problem caused by the other party is turned - in 1 second - in to a problem caused by you. Swivelling on the head of a pin. I think they are trained in this valuable skill from the earliest age. Perhaps too there are classes for learning this skill in early schooling?
  11. Poor (rich) boys. First time out of the cage they live in. Out of control (literally).
  12. Let's look on the bright side: The first meeting between the Watchman and Sleepy Joe should be fun to watch. Very peaceful, I should imagine. All decisions made in advance (as they always are anyway) and a very satisfying encounter. Outcomes: Relations between the two great democracies strengthened. Chinese worried.
  13. mfd101

    Cheap barbers

    Go where the locals go, not where the tourists & the rich people go. PS: The locals won't be on Google.
  14. No help for Aussies here. The AUD suffers from much the same (Chinese) issues as the ฿.
  15. If you're MFP every time you fart you'll be up before the Constitutional Court.
  16. All my friends are in Oz. I don't have any fake ones.
  17. No, your statistics are still wrong. 25% of the total number of crossings produces 44% of accidents. What's strange to me is the phrase 'unauthorised crossing' which I would understand to refer to a person or people crossing the rail lines illegally. But no, it seems to refer to the railway lines themselves at that place (in which case who authorized the rail lines there?), or alternatively it refers to the pathway or roadway that crosses the rail lines at that point (in which case who authorized the sealed road we see in the photo above?).
  18. Mmmm, on the right track as to the present, but his analysis of the past is perhaps a little too rapturous when it comes to Thaksin & his successor parties ...
  19. The basic information has been all over this site and the Bangkok Post and The Nation for the last 3 months.
  20. I expect that (1) MFP will vote for Srettha as the least bad of the options and they can't abstain because of the appalling example set by the Senators in the 1st round, but (2) in any case he won't become PM.
  21. Lelak! Lelak!, Children. Even dinosaurs have a sense of humour.
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