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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. The anyone-but-Pita school has only one outcome: The anything-but-moving-forward Thailand.
  2. I should have thought Canberra would get a mention (though perhaps it's too small to qualify). I spent 36 years of my life there and it's hard to beat for petit bourgeois comfort and safety (yawn).
  3. And he has in common with Prawit an interest in watches. Must be a qualification required for the Premiership, punctuality being a national obsession.
  4. I doubt the current POTUS - or his predecessor - could find Thailand on the map.
  5. My experience of arriving with my Thai partner in hotels here in Thailand, but also in Australia, Vietnam, HK and Singapore, has always been the same: A quick glance from the front desk, cough cough, Um would that be two beds or one, Sir? One kingsize thank you. Very well, Sir. Only once in NZ in what turned out to be a Christian hotel in Taupo was there the slightest appearance of alarm or discomfort, soon dissipated when it turned out we were quite civilized.
  6. Remember that the outcome of the election shows major generational change under way. Today's young people are often well-informed through modern technologies and even the relatively small Bangkok 'middle classes' produce reasonably well-educated young people ... Which suggests that things won't be just a rerun of the horrors of the past, try as the dinosaurs might. There will be a point - next week? in 6 months? 2 years? - when modernity breaks once and for all through the barriers.
  7. Trouble may be brewing but I think the dinosaurs are just having a bit of a giggle to maintain their morale. Entertainment all round. But if they do try it on, then Thailand's future will be in the hands of the young people of Bangkok - and later their parents & some busloads from Isaan.
  8. I doubt that it's Prayut with his foot on the brakes at the moment. No substantial reason for him to cling on once the new PM & Cabinet are nominated. Anything he decides now as acting PM has neither credibility nor staying-power. Which I suspect he well understands.
  9. Where's an asteroid extinction event when you need one?
  10. Mmmm, well when it comes to retirement age it could just be that the Aussies still know how to count and the French don't.
  11. Face/status - the all-important ingredients in a rigidly hierarchical society.
  12. Meanwhile on the other side of the world in a country with a long history of authoritarian centralism & welfarism-gone-mad, the French are rioting in the streets because the government wants to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64.
  13. At this stage it looks like the Ukrainian Blitzkrieg will follow rather than precede a Russian collapse.
  14. Well as a gay I can't help noticing he's far and away the most hansum man in the room.
  15. Interesting use of the word 'democratic' in the phrase "the democratic regime of government" ...
  16. Virtuous after the fact. Better late than never, I guess.
  17. My b/f told me back in 2011-2012 period - when he was doing his conscription service - that, when ORDERED by the officers to vote Yellow in whatever national election it was, "We poor Isaan boys knew what was what and we all voted Red". A lesson there on preparatory work to be done by MF & other progressives if mass protests are likely ...
  18. Ukrainian joke, as reported in Le Monde: 2021: Russian army second in the world 2022: Russian army second in Ukraine 2023: Russian army second in Russia
  19. The obvious question is: What's in it? What chemicals? minerals? manufactured vitamins? sugars? sodium? soy? MSG? ... Yeah, right, sounds really healthy.
  20. Only in Thailand (or any other Third World country). Attending school is like visiting the Titanic.
  21. Yes, adventurous people could visit Bangkok instead of the 'Titanic'.
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