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Everything posted by Airalee

  1. One more bumper sticker for the Prius. Can squeeze it next to the weathered “Free Tibet” one.
  2. Before this war, I’d bet that the opinion of Ukraine (amongst posters here) was that it is just some corrupt backwater with mail order brides. Probably not much different than Russia….only poorer. And now we care soooo much about them that random strangers will argue back and forth online……for years.
  3. When trying to impress people with your intellectual superiority (bragging), it would behoove you to reference the people’s quotes you plagiarize. It makes you a fake in addition to a braggart.
  4. -Paul Pearsall -Anonymous -John Alexander -P.M. Forni -Aaron Hass http://www.notable-quotes.com/b/bragging_quotes.html
  5. Nobody ever seems to consider the math behind the redistribution of billionaires wealth to us peons. The top 3 have about 900 Billion combined. First, the billionaires would need to liquidate their stock, real estate, yachts, art collections etc etc. But who would buy it? If they could theoretically turn it all to cash, dividing the spoils would leave each American les than $3,000 richer. That $3,000 would be thrown away on stupid junk (just like the Covid payments were) and in less than a month, people would be looking for the next group of billionaires to plunder all while crying foul and complaining about the subsequent inflation. Why is it always the leftists who want to take the billionaires wealth, while claiming that Trump is for the rich, but their never honest enough to look at the fact that Kamala had more billionaire donors than Trump?
  6. When I was super strict, 6-750g beef (mostly grass fed), 1 stick of butter, salt & water. Added cheese later. Maybe 3oz a day. Felt a tiny amount of carbs were needed so started eating 1/2 cup blueberries with heavy cream. That was the sweet spot for me. Started cycling in and out….benefits started to fade. Completely chucked my diet while in Danang so need to slowly get back into it.
  7. I can see you are dishonest. Let’s toast your future health issues.
  8. Don’t worry everybody. Pfizer has your back. 😁
  9. I used to go read in the Farang Pub when I wanted comedic relief. Now I read the Health section.
  10. Everything to do with your statement. Why are leftists such liars?
  11. Ask your doctor if doubling up (or perhaps tripling up) on boosters is right for you. Think of how much worse it could have been.
  12. Have you been on vacation? Of sick with some sort of flu/pneumonia like the other mudbloods?
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histrionic_personality_disorder
  14. Are leftists in competition with each other with their invectives? It seems as if you all try to outdo each other. First it was a two word name for Trump. Then three, then four… What are we up to now? Six words? Seven? Wipe the dribble from your double chins and then change your depends.
  15. Yes….that’s why I put “handle” in italics. Once in country, there also seems to be people who can “handle” 90 day extensions without leaving the country. It was offered to me from my real estate agent. Even with the border bounce, the cost of living here is significantly cheaper than Thailand so 90 days at a time seems like an acceptable option.
  16. Agents appear to be able to handle “long term” visas. Probably not much different than the agents in Thailand. Here’s one that explains it in the FAQ section. https://www.getvisavietnam.com/vietnam-business-visa/
  17. From what I have read on other blogs, Fauci is only pardoned on the federal level but not the state level nor protected from civil suits. I agree that he will need ‘witness protection’…not only from whomever he might implicate, but also from someone who was either harmed by the vaccines or had a family member who died due to their falling for his manipulative rhetoric (I am the science!) and flat out lies. I doubt that people will believe the “we did the best we could with the information we had at the time” load of dung either.
  18. Exactly. And as a homeowner, doing them myself over the years saved me a ton of money and it was something I enjoyed doing far more than my “white collar” job. The contractors who hire illegals to do the work don’t save the homeowners money. The contractor just ends up pocketing the difference. I even saved a ton of money (and headaches) here in Thailand laying my own floors as the installers didn’t know what they were doing.
  19. I’ve done lots of my own home renovations including laying hardwood floors, tile work, painting, concrete work, landscaping etc etc and can do a better job than the illegals. But who’s going to hire me when there is a parking lot full of illegals at every home improvement center? When I have gone to Home Depot, many of the workers there can’t even speak English or are DEI hires who have never done any kind of home improvement work. I end up having to find the appropriate tools myself and would love a part time job there in retirement. Of course, soft, limp wristed liberals who have never gotten their hands dirty don’t want those jobs.
  20. Fauci pardoned…..and the mudbloods cheer. No better example of Stockholm syndrome.
  21. How did he charge his phone? Where did he get the box of baby wipes to smuggle the phone in? Was it after the police jumped him in the public toilet or before? I call BS on this guys story.
  22. Ok, then by your standards there are too many women and lesbians in LAFD leadership roles correct? Or do you think that there weren’t any white men that were qualified? If you’re honestly for DEI then you should be able to be honest and point out where it has gone too far.
  23. Yes, the US is very mixed, but it’s not equally mixed. Who is the most DEI worthy? Black man vs Mexican Man Light skinned Black vs Darker Indian Gay Mexican vs Lesbian Black Mexican vs Guatemalan Trans Latina vs Black guy in a wheel chair African Black vs American Black Gay white guy with alopecia vs straight Black male Genderqueer dark skinned Hispanic vs Non-binary obese south East Asian
  24. Of that list, what percentage of considerations should go towards DEI? And when you’ve figured out that percentage, who within the DEI clown brigade gets the most representation?
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