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Posts posted by Airalee

  1. 1 hour ago, The Cipher said:

    Man I hate these coffee examples (not sure why everyone uses coffee as the example). Specifically because saving 50 THB/day isn't enough to move the needle. 50*365 = 18,250 in increased savings per year. Less than $1,000. Like, I get that it's an illustrative example, but damn - everyone seems to paint coffee as the spending villain. Maybe I'm just triggered because I buy a lot of coffee ????

    I can’t think of a better example (although avocado toast seems to be the new example back in the US).  When I first came here in early 2011, just about every Thai I met would drink Starbucks frappucinos multiple times a week and laugh at me for drinking 10 baht coffees.  When I was derisively asked why I didn’t drink Starbucks, I replied “Starbucks is for poor people trying to look rich…I’ll bet that most rich people probably make their coffee at home and buy Starbucks stock instead of drinking their coffee”.


    It’s a mindset here (and elsewhere) that I don’t understand and it’s not just coffee but extends into every aspect of their lives.  My ex-gf would never drink from the large water bottles that could be refilled from the ฿1/liter machine in our condo (serviced regularly so no argument about the cleanliness of the water). Instead, she had to have the single serve small bottles…multiple bottles per day.  Couldn’t even get her to drink from fresh store bought 1.5 or 6 liter bottles.  Same with soda.  Wouldn’t pour from a 1.45l Pepsi bottle into a cup.  Had to have the small cans at 3x the cost.

    • Haha 1
  2. 21 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    These are petty anecdotal attempts to diminish the value of reading any research other than your own. I suppose you'll be researching your own cure for covid, cancer and every other affliction as well? Advocating proper, educated research is not "straw man examples". It is not "to prove a point" other than that researching other peoples' work is the best thing you can do to improve your own knowledge. The alternative is ignorance, simple as that. Not flaming you but anybody who disparages conventional research. Nobody said you can't have a critical mind but to not do the research at all is inane.

    Straw man examples are bringing up things such as “flat earth”, “moon landing” and other extreme positions (such as throwing out a ridiculous comment such as “I suppose you’ll be researching your own cure for Covid, cancer and every other affliction as well” in a feeble attempt to denigrate another poster)  when someone disagrees or has come to different conclusions with regard to whatever the hot topic de jour might be.  People always want to discount one persons research over their own.  

    Who’s right, who’s wrong?


    Don’t care.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I do my own research all the time, I'm currently researching the effects of herbs on BPH.

    My research works like this, I read forums where guys have a similar problem, I read the herbs they have tried, then I order the same supplements and try them myself.


    Results so far,

    Saw Palmetto = did nothing, Stinging Nettle root = seems to work.

    Yup.  Same.  A long time ago I did my own research into Apple Cider Vinegar (Braggs brand) and found out that it was good for my skin.


    I recently did my own research into the proper way to lay glue down hardwood floors and realized that I would most likely have problems in the future if I let the “professionals” continue with what they were doing instead of finishing the job myself.


    I wonder where I can do research into why some people tend to start such argumentative threads such as this one and why people then seem to take it to such extremes with obvious straw man examples to try to prove a point.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Thais may be able to drive around without licenses and blend in, but a foreigner will stick out like a sore thumb and once they catch you the first time, you’ll be an easy target.  I stopped riding motorbikes in Chiangmai many years ago when they began targeting white faced foreigners for just that.  Now, I drive a car (and am licensed and insured) so I feel somewhat safer.


    You might as well just get a license as it’s quite easy (other than the paperwork/passport copies/certificate of residence and a day at the licensing department) and it will save you any future headaches and that constant feeling of “when will I ultimately be stopped” every time you head out for a ride.

  5. 7 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    Probably the unvaccinated will have to be locked up. 

    The unvaccinated are most likely the young.  They’re needed to cook, clean, etc. for the old vaccinated folks.  They need to work also in order to pay taxes that support the pensions and healthcare of old vaccinated pensioners.   It would probably be easier (and safer) to lock up all older people (to keep them safe).  More cost effective too as many are already on their way to the retirement home.

  6. 5 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

    It will need another , non military government , to legalize it completely .

    THC has consciousness enlarging effects and this is not wanted .

    I do not smoke , but use it to make a tea , and the effects of it help me to find out what is really important to me , and the little bugging daily problems suddenly appear as what the really are , not important . And solutions can easily be found . It changes the 'point of view ' that you are used to , and that is a good thing .

    Your neighbor makes a lot of noise at night ? It makes you angry ? Don't be , let it be , have a tea and you'll sleep good ... just laugh about it .

    I don’t smoke anymore either (or make tea/edibles), but I think that within time (regardless of what kind of government), it will be seen for the potential cash cow that it is.

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  7. 10 hours ago, vVDB said:

    attention South Africa is a young country with an average age of 30 years.

    Don't forget COVID is problematic with people 50 and over ...

    you have to wait to see what is happening in a country of 'old' people!

    Let’s also not forget that South Africa also has an extremely high prevalence (one of the highest globally) of immunocompromised people with 19.5% of adults aged 15-49 having HIV.




  8. 34 minutes ago, donx said:

    When my wife bought her townhouse in Krabi a few years back, we couldn't find any decent bed frames. In the mangosiam.com website you posted, I see the bed styles I like, but I don't see any prices when I click on the beds section. It only shows a picture. I'm wondering if those type of beds are available in Ao Nang, Krabi. As of the last time I visited our townhouse, all the mattresses were lying on the floor with no bed frames. It makes it hard for an old farang like myself to enjoy sitting on them the way they are positioned.

    I bought my bed frame from Hulta and have been very pleased with the quality.  I did however upgrade from pine to solid oak so it was about 60k but it is so solid that it will last for a lifetime easily.



  9. 2 minutes ago, Tarteso said:

    Instead of denying maybe you can enlighten me then ????

    I dated a nurse that moved from Issan to one of the most prestigious private hospitals in Bangkok.  She said her salary went from 13k in Issan to 20k in Bangkok.  She told me that she used to get bonuses that would bring her salary to about 30k but she said that the hospital stopped giving those bonuses 2 years ago.

    • Like 2
  10. 25 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    making accusations of lying now lol. The statement was from an expert, not me but you decided not to follow the link, in which case I cannot help you anymore

    It was you that didn’t read the link you provided.  Here.  I will give you the link that you tried to use to bolster your case.  Twitter is not an accepted nor reliable source.



    23 minutes ago, Macrohistory said:


    Try a little reasoning instead of mindless true-believing.



    Try reading the link.  Don’t be a science denier.



  11. 9 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Not true, the paper did not mention which variant they died of, so please stop with the misinformation. however you hold onto the WHO statement made on he 4th Dec that no omicron cases have died yet. In the meantime people are dying daily of covid in sa which has an 80% omicron dominance.

    You’re the one claiming people are dying from Omicron and linked to a study that supposedly supported your stance (which it did not).


    I stated that the paper made no reference to them dying of Omicron.  Because it doesn’t.  The paper does make statements however that point to Omicron being far less severe than some would like to believe.


    Your misinformation is turning into straight out lies.

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  12. 8 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I like good websites, including IKEA, to browse and look what is available at what price.

    But I would never buy anything over a few thousand THB online without looking at it in a shop first.

    The combination of good websites and shop(s) is the best.

    You’ll find that’s a problem with sofas as the majority that I saw online (that I was interested in) at various retailers were not on display and were special order only.

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