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Posts posted by Rob13

  1. 26 minutes ago, kannot said:

    dont  think any snakes are really  bad ie  will hunt "you" down



    The bad ones are the  poisonous ones who set up house in your yard and get territorial about it. Rattlesnakes and copperheads back home get pretty testy if you get too close.  I've known a few who've been bit. I get out my whomping stick when I see one.

  2. 2 minutes ago, kovaltech said:

    Take legal action... don't talk about it... just do it,... only then this naked man will stop existing... 



    Death penalty for being naked. Bit harsh isn't it?

  3. 12 minutes ago, seancbk said:

    Great idea to have it inside the safe so it records when the safe is opened, although the angle may mean you only get video of the thief's hands and not their face.


    I was thinking the same thing but like someone mentioned above, it also records what's been placed in the safe for the staff to see.Makes it easier for them to select which safe to 'crack'.

  4. 8 minutes ago, impulse said:

    Well, I wouldn't call it okay... but your train of thought is valid.  My idea needs work.



    Agreeed. OK legally until it gets discovered by a guest. Maybe a small cam built in the wall of the safe might work.


    I don't trust those hotel safes anyway. Any thing I don't want to lose I just keep on me.Or leave it in the bank. This day and age not much reason to carry around alot of cash.Just use your ATM card, plenty of cash machines around.

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