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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. 16 hours ago, sanemax said:

    They were sitting outside a shops doors eating take-away pad Thai on the floor , the guy asked them to move and they refused and were abusive , they them moved ten inches and sat on the road, still causation a blockage , the owner asked them a few times to move and they were refusing giving hand gestures and being abusive , sat on the floor eating their pad Thai .

      One of the woman then got up and slapped the owner around the face and began hitting him and the other woman joined in the attack .

      Th woman caused this incident by being insolent, rude and violent 

    So don't eat food in a public street in Thailand as thais find it extremely offensive and you will probably get glassed.  Should be signs  posted warning tourists that eating in public isn't acceptable and this may have been avoided.

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  2. On 8/27/2018 at 3:52 PM, Radar501 said:

    PHOTO BELOW: Officer Radar stands like a coiled spring in front of Robinvale Cop Shop's divvy van, awaiting further instructions.   Circa 1998.


    1998 was the year that Robinvale secured Sunraysia Football League's holy grail.....Premiers in the Seniors, Magoos and U18's. The thin blue line got stretched around town that evening, let me tell you.


    Oranges, grapes and domestic violence are not all that Robinvale is known for.   It is also the birth place and resting place of John James.   “John WHO?” you ignorant fools may ask.


    John James is none less than the 1961 Brownlow medallist and half-back flanker in Carlton's Team of the Century. That's WHO!


    Hey I applied for a S/C job at Robinvale back in 96, they didn't want me so went to Corryong instead.

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  3. Well the Saints have started their clean out ahead of the draft.  Freeman finally gone as he has been a list clogger for 3 years for a return of 2 games. ( total of 2 in 5yrs for saints/pies) Cost the saints millions trying to rebuild him after the dud was traded to us from Collingwood. McCartin still on the books and another list clogger after 5 years who will never make it just like freeman.  Hopefully the saints will promote Rowan Marshall off the rookie list as our key forward.  Been with the saints 1 year, played more games than McCartin, goal average, tackles, possessions leave McCartin for dead.  A rookie who even polled my votes in the Trevor Barker medal (best/fairest) than McCartin 

    • Like 2
  4. On 8/24/2018 at 5:27 PM, AlexRRR said:


    Last 2 years Mr Chooks has gratefully paid to have a closed comp for us cheap charlies assuming he or another one of the brothers coughs up guys wanting to play will be notified of a code to enter you WILL need to register with the AFL Fantasy (same if you would like to join tipping though this one is free) then pop in your code that will take you to the Cheap Charlie fantasy Thai Visa Comp for over the hill and almost dead farangs....

    Actually I don't pay anything, it's free to set up a comp.

    • Like 1
  5. On 8/21/2018 at 6:39 PM, AlexRRR said:


    Rumor has it he's wanted by the tri colours snag.....there is a family affair attached to this as well as lots of money bagging another flag this year Jack has no reason to stick around and wont cost the Saints to much in draft picks to get him....you been in Pattaya to long son...the wine women and song is dulling the sensors....sim salsa bin laden...

    Saints already have 9 jacks, don't need another one.

    • Like 2
  6. 8 hours ago, snowgard said:

    Interesting to see how fast they bring farangs to court about murder. But Thais who kill farangs still ran around free and no investigation. The Thais who killed the german some years ago still never brought to court!!! Unbelievable!!!



    Priorities, that why the have all these special tourist courts to process cases involving foreigners.

  7. 7 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    None of this means anything as long as 44 is still available. The EC has the final say over when the election will take place - but they don't. As long as 44 is on the table no one has any final say other than the men with the tanks and guns.


    It would seem the junta are just making things up as they go along. Which is typical. 



    It's not men, it's one man alone who created article 44 and only he has the power to use it.  It's his personal magic wand.

  8. 18 hours ago, janclaes47 said:

    Here is your answer.


    Who cares, other than the TV cynics?


    The guy did a good job .

    What exactly has he done, absolutely nothing.  All his time is taken up with photo ops around the country and abroad.  He doesn't even have time to go to the bathroom in between makeup, hair, wardrobe change and next photograph.  He's a joke and probably never personally conducted an investigation or made an arrest in his life.  What other police officer anywhere in the world does national tours with a large entourage, makeup department and publicity department.

  9.  Friday shared the similar political stance of not aiming to enter to power by expecting to win many seats in parliament.


    Well when it is illegal to have more than 4 members in your party I can't see them winning to many seats either and the current ruling government has the final say on who wins what seat anyway.

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  10. On 8/17/2018 at 4:19 PM, Just Weird said:

    Exactly the same conditions exist for insurance policies worldwide, this is not particular to Thailand in any way.

    Just had a royal commission in Australia and the banks and insurance companies were found to be involved in all sorts of criminal activity and defrauded it's customers out of hundreds of billions of dollars.  They were fined 2 million 

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