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Posts posted by dcnx

  1. 53 minutes ago, bimmerbob said:

    It would be useful to know how many tests they have conducted, out of which they are extracting the cases.....

    Thailand has performed around 200,000 tests in the past 5 months.  Compared to everyone else, that’s shockingly low. 

    They test 17k per 1 million people. 

  2. 6 hours ago, Baggy said:

    Nobody has asked "how many tests actually conducted  in Thailand?

    All of that is online and updated daily. They are still not testing a lot, 17k tests per 1 million people.


    Compared to countries of similar population size, they are testing 800k and 500k per 1 million.


    Even Myanmar is testing double the amount that Thailand is at 33k per 1 million, which says a lot because they have one of the worst health care systems in the entire world.


    This has always been the case when Thailand. No tests, no problem.


    But where are the deaths? Says everyone who doesn’t know how to search for data.


    There are so many countries with a lot of infections that have low death rates. You can scroll through the data, one country after the other, all with low deaths but plenty of infections. Regional examplesj would be Singapore with 59k infections and 29 deaths, Sri Lanka 43k and 199 deaths, and Malaysia 100k with 460 deaths. 

    When this is all over, look at Thailand’s excess deaths. These are deaths beyond what the predicted deaths are for any one year. They probably won’t count those in the mountains or tiny villages where people die at home and get burned locally, but it will count many who did make it to he hospital. You’ll then see all the deaths that were above and beyond the normal and were probably COVID19 related.



  3. 3 hours ago, Krankies fan club said:

    Seriously , is anybody deluded enough to believe any figures chucked out by this administration ? We’ve had stats for road traffic deaths , mortality rates in the south due to the insurgency , tourist arrival numbers , projected tourism numbers and their likely spend patterns ( when there was such a thing ) etc.

    Factor in the lack of a viable testing programme and you’re throwing darts in the dark.

    I think the numbers are greatly understated and it’s noticeable they’re on the rise during the cooler season which ties in with patterns around the world.


    The World Health Organization claims Thailand underreports their road casualties by at least 30%. 

    With that in mind, you can’t trust their numbers on anything.

  4. 12 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Not making sense with the numbers, you would expect an exponential growth.  This appears just like the first mini wave we had.  The numbers can not be right, or are they not including all again.

    You can see the testing numbers online, they are still not testing much. 

  5. 12 hours ago, stretch5163 said:

    Not really going to be a lockdown when regional governors still have the say so to new year parties and bars / clubs still able to open to midnight...so its going to be kind of a lockdown but not really a lockdown in the sense of the words used.

    All those tourists who went through quarantine and spent all that money are going to be thrilled when everything shuts down. 

    You can always count on getting screwed in Thailand, one way or the other.

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