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Posts posted by Ronuk

  1. 12 minutes ago, calbts2 said:



    Are you referring to an airline making sure a passenger has a visa for their destination country or an immigration officer? I have never known or seen any Thai citizen getting any questioning about being allowed to leave Thailand at the airport or a land border by a Thai immigration official whatsoever. Likewise, I have never been questioned by a US Immigration officer when leaving the US. It is a very different situation that I saw at the Manila airport. Foreigners breezed through while the Filipino citizens were all waiting in long lines and some being taken aside for intrusive questioning.

    I'm referring to immigration officers checking there own citizens have the correct visas before being allowed to depart. It's common for it to happen. Females travelling alone have major issues even with the correct visas. I don't think you need for me to explain why? :)

  2. 3 hours ago, calbts2 said:

    I got one in April.

    US Passport and here is what they wanted:

    1. Application

    2. 1450 Phil. Pesos

    3. Air tickets into and out of Thailand

    4. My recent bank statement (I used one of my US accounts with over $10,000 in it - I do not know if they require a certain minimum amount but obviously the more the better.)


    Go in the morning and I think I got it back 2 business days later in afternoon.

    Not a very crowded embassy - maybe 15 applicants when I was there and about all were Filipinos.


    For tourist visas - Filipinos have to fill out an additional information sheet and I suspect it will be harder for them to get a tourist visa than a foreigner.


    And yeah - unlike most countries on the planet - I got the impression at the airport that Philippines Immigration is more concerned with grilling and harassing their own departing citizens rather than concentrating on foreigners. I breezed right through while my Filipino girlfriend had to wait in a long line and got the 3rd degree.  One step below North Korea - completely asinine, treating supposedly free adults like children needing permission from their own government to leave their own country, not to mention the ridiculous travel tax they impose on them. Hopefully their new President will change that.




    It's a concern for immigration for citizens entering a country they are departing too. Much the same for Thai citizens departing Thailand for another country even with a visa.

    Try as a foreigner departing London for the US. They get the same grilling visa or not.

  3. 6 hours ago, jay171275thai said:

    Yes but I don't think they have updated there website, my uncle had to go in person and stay overnight to collect the next day, he asked about visa by post and they told him they had stopped it. I've been trying to call them but no one ever answers but it does say on there messages there are no more visas by post. My dad lives in Thailand and he said he knows a man from yorkshire and he couldn't go to Hull to get his visa on the day as they said they had stopped it and he had to go to London. I've been trying to cll Cardiff to see if I can go there to get my visa by appointment but they are always engaged.

    Depends what type of visa he was applying for. Not all visas are available by post.


  4. 2 hours ago, freebyrd said:


    Thailand, land of the free? No rights?, yet you think it's paradise? Funny that.

    What part of others are happy and getting along fine do you have a problem understanding?

    2 hours ago, freebyrd said:


    Couldn't hack it in Thailand?! Among other things I've lived in a hole in the ground, minus 20C, with people trying to kill me. Sounds like you have a mighty high opinion of yourself mister. Like I said in another post politely, keep your advice to yourself.

    Wow!  You trying to impress me 'Mister'? Because you have just failed miserably. You see,you have no idea about the people you assume to have high opinions., who they are or what they may have done or been involved with. Never assume anything.....Rambo.

  5. 2 hours ago, returnofthailand said:

    so no need Elite visa after 50. the elite visa is not really a Elite visa. it s just a visa for lazy young people will cash to fill the pockets of immigration.
    this is why digital nomads don't have to worry. I think the thai immigration like them as long they pay for this Elite visa.
    I won't have any problem to place 800k on my Thai bank account. It's around 23000 euro.




    I saw some Tents under the Sukumvit on my way out of Bangkok last week. I also noticed there is a space or 2 that you'd fit nicely into. I reckon we could cut your spending down at least 60-70% if you moved there. Getting shot of the scooter for a skate board you'd save even more.


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  6. 3 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

    You just had to go and expose Thailand's dirty little secret. News flash he has been found guilty poor bugger. Now there is the real Thailand not all this huff and puff expat we love Thailand cronyism. 

    You want to go playing the hero and poking your nose into another countries politics as an immigrant, that's what happens here. Shame other countries don't take note and apply the same criteria.

  7. 3 minutes ago, freebyrd said:


    Dregs? - Tarring everyone with the same brush? Over 30+ years I've lived in several SE Asian countries and I've never been treated anywhere near as poorly as I was in Thailand.

    Your choice to come here. Your choice to leave. I've been here over 30 years too. I've never felt anything other than welcome. I wasn't happy, I would leave. How simple can it be? And yes, the country's full of dregs that nobody else wants.

  8. 40 minutes ago, Winkburn said:

    Well here we go again. All the pathetic expats that live here and just complain complain complain and obviously don't have a descent life come out to attack anything positive.

    Please please book your ticket and rid us all of your negativity about Thailand and return to your wonderful birthplace that you have sadly left behind. We all will be happy to see you depart and those that appreciate the opportunity to live in this country can enjoy all the benefits we have.


    48 minutes ago, BKKBrit said:

    Jeesh there are some miserable people in here, aren't there? Really, where's the harm with a fair being put together to show off what some expats can do - and have done in Thailand? Some have made a name for themselves - Andrew Biggs and the Jonas chap - maybe that's why they were asked to help spread the word at the press conference? 

    So many of you sound so bitter - why do you stay here if the country (and it's rules) make you feel so hard-done by? Regardless of country that you choose to make your second home, there will always be issues with paperwork, bureaucracy and the way they do things as opposed to how things are done back home.


    Get used to it - or make a positive contribution and try and make this a happier place to live for yourselves. 

    The moaners are mostly the dregs of there own country's who remarkably, don't want them either. Fortunately, Thailand is making it more and more difficult for them to stay. The quicker they are gone the better.

  9. I have to be honest and say that after 30+ years of Thailand, I have never, ever been asked or felt extorted by anybody from immigration. Yes, it can be frustrating at times trying to get anything done and can mean a bit of running around for what seems a pointless issue but that's absolutely no different to the UK. I firmly believe you get what you sow in Thailand. If your straight you have no issues but try to be underhand and you'll open yourself up for all sorts.

    Apart from the occasional 90 day report, I have zero to do with immigration now anyway and am through the airport in 10 minutes. I have a direct number 24/7 to TE and they very quickly arrange via email my arrival and departure with no dramas. It's actually a pleasure arriving and departing Thailand.

    I'm 57 but 100% would never go back to a retirement extension. The PE visa is far to easy and worry free to even consider it. I'm living here and coming and going as I please just like I would be in London. No rentry permits, no seasoning of funds etc. For anybody wanting to stay here long-term or travel in and out of Thailand on a regular basis, the TE program is fantastic. I love it.

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  10. 1 hour ago, gk10002000 said:

    There is another Elite Visa plan out there now that is 800 K for 10 years, versus the 500K for 5 years which is a pretty measurable difference.  The numbers you posted are very helpful for people to compare things against.   Frankly I like the 10 year thingy and the less hassles in doing the extensions.  Although in the back of my head there is the nagging worry about putting any money up front for anything in Thailand.  The governments certainly change often!

    After 13 years and successive governments, nobody has lost anything or been asked to pay a single baht more for there original plan. TE is expanding, not contracting and highly unlikely not to be going anywhere other than onwards and upwards. I would be more concerned regarding other visas and extensions changing for the worse rather than the TE program.

    Who do you think the government would rather have, those that are here paying next to nothing as a yearly fee or those that are paying thousands of baht a year to stay here? Let's be frank here, those that are on the TE program are also likely to be putting millions more into the Thai economy too over the course of there membership.

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