I now think that if they did not have the cult as a network, encouraging and reassuring, they would just disappear. With certainty, on November 5th is that date they will die out.
Sad isn't it. He posts so much hatred and pure garbage. Uneducated people live in a self created bubble and will never make sense. I just have him on ignore and I see just so many people crush him and react negatively to him.
This beach guy has no idea about the US elections, period. He can follow Fox News and hate all the way to November 5th.
If you want to know how he will react when Trump loses, I bet he goes back to that echo chamber and joins the crybabies
They care less if they are lied to as long as they have their deception to grasp. So sad that these people are so easily led but after November 5 th they go away forever.
Not the outlook everywhere as you can see. Will Biden get that last laugh?
Republicans may feel they were able to turn “Bidenomics” into a punchline, but it’s beginning to look like Biden will get the last laugh
So when will you answer my question? Why will more Americans vote trump this time now that he will spend his four years Revenge and Retribution? I will ask you everytime I see a post until November the 5th.
I believe Haley would had a real chance to beat Biden. I welcome a rematch! I also believe Trumps "four year's revenge" plan is never the choice American is willing to choose.
I am not by any means recommending this movie, although it has an 8.3 rating. I am halfway through but need a break!
Emma Stone, Mark Ruffalo, Willem Dafoe
Poor Things 2023