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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. You need to see Hunter's laptop photos as they are now posted at a website. NOT really! Huge waste of my time just what I expect. Nothing burger. Best let Jim Jordan go get Hilary instead.
  2. https://youtu.be/CEDPaaiAPLY He does that when he's scared': Molly Jong-Fast explains Trump's threatening posts
  3. Jack Smith urged to 'detain Trump pending trial' after new threats of violence Jack Smith urged to 'detain Trump pending trial' after new threats of violence - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism
  4. Good Luck because you will need it! LOL A Study In Contrasts: Fox News Spotlights Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Congressional Testimony, While CNN And MSNBC Proceed With Caution – Analysis https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/study-contrasts-fox-news-spotlights-213005120.html
  5. Nailed it ALL for me. I do also add that the woman here are fantastic.
  6. My party? I am registered Independent. Some people make attacks without any evidence and it is Republicans
  7. I listened to Trump on Newsmax tell how Kennedy is very powerdul
  8. Fox Pretends ‘No Labels’ Is Not A GOP Enterprise That Will Only Help Republicans https://www.newshounds.us/fox_pretends_no_labels_is_not_a_gop_enterprise_that_will_only_help_republicans_072023
  9. Sound of Silence is refreshing. Half his supporters have had it and want him passed over. The other half are just lost for words defending him.
  10. New Hampshire Trump 41.0 DeSantis 19.0 Christie 6.3 Scott 6.0 RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls
  11. I think that Chris Christie is also a big thorn in Trump's back as well now. If he moves into second (currently in third) past DeSantis in NH it will be an all-out knock down fight.
  12. Definitely disagree with your Turley assessment. As proof your not calling his politics correctly I offer as evidence his and Brit's video responding to Wray questioning .... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/jonathan-turley-bashes-chris-wrays-response-to-house-gop-hearing-questions-treating-the-public-like-chumps/ar-AA1dOhDF#:~:text=Asked for his thoughts on,best efforts of the FBI. Clearly a partisan hack!
  13. She owned a shop selling goods and was beauty stylist. She agreed to retire with me. Now's she a full-time wife and mother.
  14. You Literally Can't Believe The Facts Tucker Carlson Tells You. So Say Fox's Lawyers. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye
  15. If I only had a quarter for those " " Most of his supporters here at least are admitting voting for Trump is the same as admitting personal failure and certain loss. I appreciate their honesty. A few die hards still post here but they rarely have a grasp on complete sentences that make a lick of sense. Laura is a load.
  16. Fox News is right wing opinion network and have only attacks and slander towards anyone not agreeing.
  17. Nasty ad from a PAC calling him either chicken or a loser Nailed for not intending to show up for debate.
  18. Then there is this. Biden campaign, DNC announce they raised $72 million in Q2 (yahoo.com)
  19. Yeah Whatever. He is the most powerful person in the world and truthfully you can dislike him as much as you want and nobody really cares.
  20. His point like always is I have no evidence but .... Conspiracy. Show us American EVIDENCE!
  21. Yes everyone. I knew your response would be this. So I decided to use FACTS from the Senators chance of even winning his own seat in WV! 13% hahahah https://www.racetothewh.com/senate/24 Do you wonder why posters here use real information unlike some! Walked right into that..
  22. Kind of takes the wind out of the sail as we are use to avoiding bias hit-jobs. The responses at Fox News web site with this story are really wild and crazy.
  23. I can help you understand the reason! He beat Trump last time and will again! Independents will decide the 2024 election with certainty in those swing states.
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