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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. Funny how simple math might explain how to find unbiased jurors. Approximately 240 million people were eligible to vote in the 2020 presidential election and roughly 66.1% of them submitted ballots, totaling about 158 million.
  2. True! Common sense is Trump is getting held accountable in America and that is how the system works.
  3. Big bikes speeding that are so loud it can scare a person.
  4. Basic math wins out again. Even his opponent thinks its just 25% https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nikki-haley-says-donald-trump-has-25-percent-of-republican-vote/
  5. Why now Trump-lite while he is still your best option?
  6. I do not notice Thai's having any lack of smiles where I exercise, maskless each morning. Most of them project a friendly sort of community grounding. I look forward and appreciate.
  7. He did convince enough Americans that his wealth was proof. Fools that they have proven to be.
  8. DeSantis does not possess the leadership qualities necessary to lead our nation. A reversal of this magnitude is telling. It reminds me of Scott Walker
  9. I have seen the videos and Trump goes for the throat. I wonder how well Republicans will navigate what could be continued vicious attacks. Ron speaking out on no longer wanting to defeat Russian aggressions. Pass the popcorn, please.
  10. I dealt with the consolidated entry problem that hides a SSA deposit last extension. Had my bank detail the summary transaction and added it to the passbook. Since then I update BEFORE the deposit date so the consolidated posting is never a problem.
  11. Put Up Or Shut Up’: Geraldo Challenges the Right On 5 Years Of Hunter Biden Investigations Uncovering ‘Nothing Remotely Criminal’ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/put-up-or-shut-up-geraldo-challenges-the-right-on-5-years-of-hunter-biden-investigations-uncovering-nothing-remotely-criminal/ar-AA18FPOb?li=BBnbfcL
  12. You mean that a 10 percent additional amount of voters you do not consider big?
  13. I am sure China is using my girlfriend's cat videos to take America down.
  14. 12 years ago I arrived HCM with three females one evening. After I unpacked before everyone I decided to go out to the street. Within a minute a bike with a girl on back ask me if I was interested. I brought it up as it was so quick.
  15. I can attest to both on line scammers and that the shops showing up in search, located further away and in cheap rents, do have much better prices
  16. Yeah of course, when he found himself in front of a judge he did indeed realize he hated Trump all along. If you believe that "I have a bridge I want to offer you for sale.
  17. I used that search yesterday to seek BB and got 14 hits in Thailand. Will visit the one locally in CM today as they say in stock
  18. Of course you dress warm, Winter activities are awesome. Ice sliding in my sports car sucks
  19. I was pleased with Amnesia from a trusted seller. Bruce Banner has won best weed strain. The one person I knew was too pricey at 650b
  20. My trusted supplier is out. His last product was Gelato 45. What I call one hit, although I go wild and take three. Any ideas for locating that quality?
  21. It has harsh Winters as I grew up across from P town and upon HS headed for California warmth
  22. Yikes Try some yahoo then I see as many WSJ as I do CNN. Also yahoo has many Fox as well
  23. I have observed here in CM soi dogs bark at strangers. In Pai they don't. I think it is a cultural thing from locals expectations.
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