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Posts posted by NeoDinosaw

  1. 9 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

    I'd be proud if Britain offered her asylum and sent that Red Bull scum back here. Britain has a proud history of democracy, ethics and freedom and she would be safe there.

    Mrs May would welcome her so that she might learn how to win a big majority in an election !

  2. 35 minutes ago, hhinhh said:

    What about the high speed track from Bangkok to South Thailand? Are they starting it two years later, looking for another route or rebuilding the one which just have been finished? And only two bridges. It needs at least a dozen. The benefit of a new railway with meter gauge and 11 stops it very limited and not worth billions of THB.


    To some people this plan may seem absolute lunacy when a wider tracked high speed track is due to be constructed soon - but I could not possibly comment ......

  3. 10 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

    why can't he get a job in a better University? This is like the tailor of the year award that used to appear in sabaidee flight magazine.

    Orton Rd is showing that he/she knows almost nothing about universities around the world. There are many thousands of universities now; 127 in the UK alone.


    The "better" universities are listed by QS (https://www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings/world-university-rankings/2018) and  The Times Higher Education (https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/2017/world-ranking#!/page/0/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats).


    QS world rankings for the top Thai Universities in 2017 were:  Chulalonghorn  252 Mahidol 283; and for 2018  : Chulalongkorn  245 Mahidol 334.  The Times, which is biased towards UK universities and does not differentiate betwenn universities below 200,  has the pecking order placing Mahidol in the 501-600 bracket and Culalongkorn in the 601-800 bracket.  Mahidol is most famous for Medicine and it is placed in the top 100-150 in the world for this.


    Maybe the poster should look where his/her university comes in these listings - or does the ignorance suggest that he/she did not have the benefit of a university education......




  4. 22 hours ago, wavemanwww said:

    I've just returned from a 7 day ban on this web site. Penalty was due to critisizing directly the Thai Govt authorities more so in relation to Red Bull heir DHead. I will continue with that critisism. Also banned for calling the Thai authority,  in a disrespecture nature!.. again with regards to Red bull. I accept that,


    BUT after reading this item maybe corruption is totally global! Rolls Royce caught out for bribing at an international level. Well my simple question to the Pomms has any news been heard in England about this as nil in Australia has been raised in the media or has that been covered  and smothered by UK? So called political bullshit? If the accusations are true why has not the CEO or director  of Rolls Royce responsible been charged by UK law? Why no news internationally on them giving bribes to increase profits? Thus life and big business continues in UK as in Thailand , and without no international boundaries  and recognition of its own laws nor enforcement?

    I believe the CEO of RR recently got a large bonus for his superb leadership of the company .........

  5. 12 hours ago, webfact said:

    Dr Liviu Vedrasco, health cluster chief at the World Health Organisation (WHO) in Bangkok, told The Sunday Times.

    Does the good Dr Liviu  never leave the sanctuary of the UN in BKK ?  Does he/she never travel on Thai roads ?  Is he/she always chauffeured in a very sedate luxury vehicle with blacked-out windows ?


    Or, maybe he/she has only just arrived in the kingdom and has not had an opportunity to learn anything about the country .......

  6. 11 hours ago, webfact said:

    North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un watches a military drill marking the 85th anniversary of the establishment of the Korean People's Army (KPA) in this handout photo by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) made available on April 26, 2017. KCNA/Handout via REUTERS

    The Korean People's Army was established on Feb. 08, 1948.  Somebody can't do the maths .........



  7. 3 hours ago, Usual Suspect said:

    All HGV drivers know to assess the hill, & down-shift accordingly..you go down the hill at about the same rate your truck would come up it..BUT.. This is Thailand, & Thai drivers simply do not have the patience to crawl down a hill fully loaded in a safe & controlled manner.

     Oh no, simply go down maybe 1 or 2 gears & ride the brakes all the way down..as they have done at each hill for the last hour,

     the result of this laziness is seen weekly, The excuses..? (Thai way, someone/something else was at fault).

     So many sadly pay the price for their impatience.. RiP.

    I have been on the Tak -Mae Sot road  many many times, mainly in the old days soon after it was opened. A couple of years ago I was on a trip with a group of students. We came to a major down hill section; the driver might have changed down a gear (I was not paying too much attention) but he was constantly slowing the bus down by pumping brakes, then letting it go again time after time.  Eventually we came off the road into the sand pit which it there for that precise purpose.  


    Thai drivers will not change down through 2 or 3 gears to be safe. Why not ?  Is it because they know that this will consume more fuel ?

  8. 4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    I have been through all the comments here, more than once and it seems that for some, reality is something that only other people grasp.

    The majority of people do not believe that the two Burmese are guilty.

    The majority of people understand that if the match is not 99.99%, the person the DNA came from has to be from someone else.

    The majority of people understand that the same results in a UK court would have been sufficient for exoneration. Not 99.99%, not you.

    Sadly a couple of posters cannot understand that a partial match is worth absolutely nothing, and will deny the truth till their dying breath.

    I am wondering if those people are in the same nursing home, bereft of a nurse to wipe away the seemingly constant flow of dribble away from their mouths.

    I would need 100% match in the DNA to claim they were from the same person

  9. On 11/22/2016 at 11:24 AM, Jingthing said:

    If they are doing a Malaysia type program and totally phasing out the old system (year to year, current financial levels, no health insurance requirement) and also with no grandfathering, then this might be the biggest, most consequential visa news in many, many years. 


    When we do know more, and if it does turn out that they are phasing out the old program with no grandfathering, I'd like to see a POLL here to ask people using the current system, about how many would be forced to LEAVE THAILAND. 

    I'm  about to become  a grandfather in March   - will that make it easier for me ?   

  10. 6 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

     Your post beat most of us to the same written conclusion. This government has its priorities reversed and they are slowing picking away at the healthcare coverage till there is nothing left. They will not do a frontal attack just nibble around the edges and then stick their finger into the wind to see which way the wind blows. 

    Who is copying who ?   In the UK, the National Health Service is collapsing because the government cannot afford to fund it properly.  But we can afford to spend billions of pounds on a submarine-borne nuclear deterrent; more billions on the Hinkly Point nuclear power station which the populace will have to pay for for hundreds of years to come; and a high speed train (more billions !)  so that people can get from London to Birmingham 20 minutes quicker.  Total insanity .........

  11. 22 hours ago, Grouse said:

    Good man, Bercow ?

    Please read what Bercow said ........    "  I feel very strongly that our opposition to racism and to sexism and our support for equality before the law and an independent judiciary are hugely important considerations,"


    Contrary to the introduction to this story, he did NOT cite  "Trump's temporary immigration ban as a factor. "

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