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Posts posted by NeoDinosaw

  1. 5 hours ago, Karlsson said:

    Maybe its because Thais dont get the same indoctrination as Westerners.

    Maybe because opposite to the French and the English, the Germans never tried to colonalize and enslave Asian People ?

    I think they need more Jewish led Media and Universitys to make them know the unbiased Version of History.






    I don;t think the Germans went to New Guinea for a holiday

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, longklong said:

     One of my friend's little dog was killed by his neighbour's big hound. He filed both a civil and criminal case. Had to attend court four times but his neighbour didn't appear even once. Every time his lawyer said that his client was travelling abroad. My friend could see each time that his neighbour was at home! He complained to the judge who said: "How do I know who is telling the truth." My friend wanted to say that it could be easily verified by asking for the fellow's passport and checking if there was any exit stamp. But when he saw the lawyer grinning broadly, my friend wisely decided to drop the case! 

    There would noyt be any exit (or entry) stamps if he was a Thai national. There might be entry and exit stamps from some foreign counties ...

  3. 1 minute ago, marcusarelus said:

    I just love it when they bite.  :cheesy:


    Now we have 2 lots of data about Thailand GDP which are not comparable.  The original showed the amount of GDP in billions of USD. The New data presents annual growth rate of Thailand GDP.  The good student (from a western university) would have re-calculated the  second set of data  to give  GDP in billions of USD  and re-drawn the graph. But the stupid third rate student from and inferior university in a foreign country prevents this being done because there is a total lack of information for the years 2014-2016 inclusive.  I guess this is not surprising because they must allow anybody who can pay into his university  - not surprising that his homeland is headed down the toilet.

  4. 6 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

    Good thing.  You gotta laugh. 


    You gotta laugh at this submission by a second rate Thai student. He uses a graph with data that ends in 2013 for an assignment in 2018 - what a moron !!  Just copied the easy-to-find graph on the Internet. Didn't bother the update the data base and re-plot the graph as a smart westerner would do.  He would have failed the assignment for  living in the past.

  5. On 9/14/2018 at 8:55 AM, smew said:

    I guess he wants to prove her wrong: she was not raped. Only she knows if she was or was it consensual intercourse. If she says she was then she was. Now he knows better that she was not raped, who is he to know better... oh I guess a Big Joke

    You cannot prove a negative, only a positive. i.e.  It is not possible to prove that a rape did not take place; it is possible to prove that a rape did take place if evidence is available; but if evidence is not available, that does not prove that no rape took place.

    • Confused 1
  6. 3 hours ago, beyondstars said:

    You will find that the CSI LA page offers many insights. ? Take a look.


    An interview with the mother of the young British woman can be found there, as well as an interview with the woman associated with the hostel at which the young woman stayed. There are also copies of text messages sent by the woman associated with the hostel, asking the young British woman not to speak to the press, and more.



    It would be helpful if you provided a link to this page. Some of us lack familiarity with CSI LA

  7. 22 hours ago, ndfdjnd said:

    That is what happened though, if you read the story and understand the Thai brain.  The tourists did behave improperly and the Thai reacted inappropriately y smashing a bottle across her head, probably due to not being used to improper behaviour.


    " he had lost his temper and could not control his emotions."  This is a perfectly acceptable defense  in Thailand. It means that it was not his fault. You see it time and time again. It is due, in my opinion,  to the lack of any restraint on Thai boys when they are growing up. Bit of an over-generalisation but true. 

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  8. On 7/31/2018 at 12:29 AM, tonbridgebrit said:

    Jeremy Hunt, for a moment, thought that his Chinese wife is Japanese. That's an easy mistake to make, Japanese and Chinese do actually look almost the same.

    Yes _ I'm sure Boris would agree that all oriental ladies look the same !


    Just as all  farang  men look the same to Thai ladies - unless they have a moustache or beard. I mean the farang ?

  9. 7 hours ago, denishuahin said:

    There have been sharks around Hua Hin for years. There was a photo of one on the Jetty in about 2007, it was a Mako shark about 7 / 8  foot long which would put it in 2 to 300lbs area. The local gentry tried to cover it up and say that there are no sharks in the Andaman sea.  But Canadian Jim had the photo and showed it to us.  There are sharks everywhere and all sea's but attacks are rare.  Happy swimming ;-)  

    The local gentry know not which sea washes over the beaches at Hua Hin.  

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