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Posts posted by NeoDinosaw

  1. 5 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

    starting off by teaching grammar is a mistake and puts students off. They need to learn how to speak and build up vocabulary first, grammar is hardly needed. Most native English speakers know next to nothing about it.

    “Grammar and structure are important. Do not think that just because your writing communicates you point, it’s already okay because it may be misleading, “said Ingtip. 


    Try the following :   “Grammar and structure are important. Do not think that, just because your writing communicates your point, it’s already okay, because it may be misleading.

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  2. 23 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    LOL. The girls are lazy and prefer selling their bodies to old men that give them lots of money, as opposed to a young Thai man that earns a pittance. They also enjoy the party lifestyle.

    Why else would so many do it? They can always work in the rice fields for 300 baht a day if they don't actually want to work in the bars.


    It amazes me that so many posters that obviously don't know any bargirls as friends profess to know everything about them. I guess they get all their information from red top scandal trash UK papers.


    How many days work each year are generated by planting  and harvesting rice ?

  3. 1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

    Actually, it has a lot more to do with UK supermarkets selling high-% ABV cans of cheap lager and cider on 2-for-1 specials in the afternoon. The pubs are empty most weekend evening because the young and the gormless are back in their council flat getting wiped out on cheap booze BEFORE going out on the ran dan.

    Regrettably, that is absolutely true

  4. 21 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

    Street art is not vandalism imho.

    Street art gives life to all those sad plastic and concrete artifacts, and it brings happiness to people's eyes.

    Those who can't appreciate street art are sad people imho..

    Also, young people have a lot of energy, it seems to me a good way to let it out.

    That said, they should be able to cancel their paintings if requested by the authorities, as it seems that the majority of people don't like them.

    As for caning, jailing and deporting, one can just hope it's not said in a serious way :coffee1:

    you are a pathetic sad person just like the morons in the video  , in my pretentious opinion.


    Caning, jailing and deportation of people like you would bring happiness to the people !!

  5. 8 hours ago, edwinchester said:

    Yes there was a vote and the majority voted to leave. I get and accept that.

    What is so depressing is that the politicians in charge seemingly had no idea of the consequences and no idea how to implement the exit process.

    Still, they won't be the ones hardest hit by the mess as they will still have their jobs and at the end of the day as usual it will be Joe Public bearing the brunt.

    We had a vote and a very small majority (including myself) chose to leave, on the promise that we would save 350,000,000 GBP each week to give to the NHS.

    This turns out to have been a bare-faced lie propogated by the bumbling blond clown (Boris) and his friends.

    Each week (almost daily) we see that the Brexiteers have no idea what they are doing, and have no grip on the facts. The divorce bill is based on pie-in the-sky dreaming. What have those thousands of extra civil servants been doing. The level of incompetence shown by Mrs May defies belief.

    It is clear that the UK would be much better off staying in the EU now.

  6. 4 hours ago, Grouse said:

    That's exactly what the Komodo Cons want. But, they need to show adequate EU "intransigence" to get away with it. I tell you, they don't have the interest of the average British individual at heart! It astonishes me that people don't see it!

    Spot-on Grouse.  The hardline Brexitiers want to change UK into a tax haven with a population of empoverished 'plebs' ruled by a small number of super-rich  masters.

    Remind you of anywhere ?

  7. 11 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

     Isn't taking the night train at a leisurely pace really rather nice?


    I remember taking to overnight sleeper from Chiang Mai to BKK back in the 70's.  Most relaxing, especially in the restaurant car immediately behind the engine. Food served on those aluminium trays like we had at school !   It cost as much as the plane ('cos I always went 1st class a/c sleeper)  -  but the only way to travel.  

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