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Posts posted by NeoDinosaw

  1. 5 hours ago, Cuchulainn said:

    .............the son of a former famous politician. 



    Yes, let's get the politicians back in  power as soon as possible and restore democracy. Thailand is not functioning under military rule. Politicans care more about the people.  Hooray!  


    Sorry. For a lot of TV readers, please insert an apostrophe in the word "politicians"

    Why does it need an apostrophe ?  Am I missing something very subtle ?

  2. 2 hours ago, whatawonderfulday said:

    Just about sums up the Thais.  10 onto to 1 !!  No wonder that historically they never really defeated the Burmese, rather just ran away.   Of course in WW11 they just took the money from the evil Japs  .  However there were over 100,000 Thais who resisted this and were ruthlessly punished.  Of course this resistance is not in the Thai history books and until they end their denial that they themselves are ultimately unprincipled, it will be same same.

    I would be interested to learn details of any publications in English which cover both sides of Thai relationships  with the Japs.

  3. 3 hours ago, madmitch said:

    What it fails to mention is that you really don't need to be intelligent or academically orientated to go to university in Thailand; the system is open to anyone who pays the fee and you'll come out of it after four years with a bachelors degree.


    I wonder if any of the other countries have the same system?

    Yes, many Universities in the UK have the same system. I know for teaching at universities in both countries.

    Thailand does not have a monopoly on cut-and-paste, or straight forward blatant plagiarism !

  4. On 9/3/2016 at 0:18 PM, CGW said:

    I have never done the trip by train, but have driven quite a few times, some beautiful countryside to pass through, would imagine one of the challenges would be the terrain, some sizeable mountains to go around.


    Quite a few oil/gas wells in Phitsanaluk area , Northern Thailand's oil reserves are held there controlled by - you guessed it - the military!

    The DED (Defence Energy Department), which is part of the military, operates the oil fields in the Fang area in the northern part of Chiang Mai Province.  The oil near Pitsanulok (Sirikit Fields) are operated by PTT EP which is a civilian company in which the government has always had a large stake.

  5. Posts on this topic so far have concentrated on the despicable behaviour of Dr DJ. But I suspect that Harvard University share a large measure of her guilt in this matter.

    Harvard University would have been well aware of the conditions attached to her scholarship and the attendant necessity for her to return to Thailand on completion. They would also be able to calculate the number of years that she must work in Thailand or, alternatively, pay the penalty. They would then know for how many years she was still under contract to Mahidol.

    The relationship between universities sending staff for training at other universities is one which must be based on mutual trust and respect. Whilst Harvard could not force Dr DJ to return to Thailand once she gained her PhD, they should at least suggest her to do so. Harvard should not encourage her to break her contract with Mahidol, and under no circumstances should they offer her a job !

    It would be interesting to know on which date Dr DJ was hired by Harvard.

    It smells to me as though Harvard poached Dr DJ when she was under contract to Mahidol. They would then have not only deprived Mahidol of 20 years work from a highly trained academic, but also have profited from all the fees and other costs which Mahidol paid for her training. Shame on you Harvard !

    We could make a comparisons with football teams in Europe. A club cannot even talk to a player they are interested in hiring without permission of his current club. There are massive financial penalties for doing this without permission. If they get permission to talk to the player and a deal seems probable,, the clubs would negotiate his/her transfer fee. This would also apply to a player who has been on loan to another club for one or two seasons and may wish to move.

    Did Harvard discuss with Mahidol the possibility of hiring Dr DJ and enquire what monies Mahidol would require to release her from her contract ?

  6. Lots of collisions but even more near misses with no changes. I is hard to see swimmers

    and snorkelers from boats and hard for swimmers to get out of the way. The boat drivers

    need to stay away from any area that has people in the water. Away from shorelines

    and places where snorkelers are brought to. When any where near where people are

    in the water they should be operating at trolling speed, 3-4 miles per hour and a couple

    of spotters scanning the area in front of the boat. This should all be part of the driver

    training and licencing and also the licensing of the boat company. Common sense

    is rarely common, especially in Thailand. A horror vacation for the poor Russian tourist. blink.png

    Training ...... ? Common sense ...... ?

    It seems to me that speedboat and jetski drivers think it is great fun to scare farang who are sedately swimming harmlessly in the sea.

    It does not occur to the local authorities to have separate beaches for speedboats + jetskis + paragliding + those who want an Adrenalin rush, and other beaches for people who want to relax in safety. But that would require common sense and enforcement - so no hope there. Better for the latter group to go elsewhere for their hols.

    I have realised that relaxing quietly on the beach without spending a fortune on all the exciting activities on offer is almost an offence in Thailand !

  7. You mean 'OR' income of 65,000 Bht/month - yes ? If you have the income, there is no need for the 800,000 in the bank.

    I do this every year by presenting evidence of my income to the British Consulate who then give me a letter from them to the Immigration people. I then present this will the requisite forms and get the 'visa' (or extension of stay) for another year. It is very simple. Immigration at Hua Hin are very helpful and I have never been asked for any donation to a charity of their choice nor for any palm-greasing.

  8. I'm O negative in Hua Hin, but 70 years old and with probable history of malaria in Nigeria many years ago. When I lived in Chiang Mai before that in the early 1970s, I was on an list of universal donors - there were 2 of us ! Can't remember which organisation held the list. I was never called to donate. Guess nobody wants my blood now ........

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