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  1. i hope he has to cool his heels over night and pays 10x the fine when he fronts the court,he is an idiot no matter what colour he is.
  2. by that pic it looks too small for a 7 baht neckless
  3. l just replaced mine at chonburi just took the green book 50b.
  4. Just did my 1st 90 day after re-entry and was told if returning to same address new tm30 is not required,this is at chonburi office i am on retirement ext.
  5. That bad eh I thought there was a catch it's only 230b a kilo.
  6. Yes pretty good real potato slices in batter 3 for 30b.
  7. Yes this!I turned off the ad blocker and pop ups appear in the middle of the screen and when i turn it on i get a box saying please turn off your ad blocker!! I don't mind ads on the side bar but not those which obscure the text looks like i will be looking elsewhere if this goes on.
  8. Last year the total for the whole of Thailand was about 28mil sounds like bulldust to me.
  9. Just tie a brick to the end of it when you walk around the house i got more length but unfortunately less girth..
  10. I just found a letter from my last ext saying i must report balance in my bank acc,i missed the report due date by 3mths so far is this a big problem?note i keep the 800k in a term deposit so balance never drops below the 800k.
  11. Will have to wait for polling in the purple states really and look at the polls in a years time it's far to early to look at them now.
  12. He helped me many times over the years a real font of knowledge RIP Joe.
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