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  1. Yes pretty good real potato slices in batter 3 for 30b.
  2. Yes this!I turned off the ad blocker and pop ups appear in the middle of the screen and when i turn it on i get a box saying please turn off your ad blocker!! I don't mind ads on the side bar but not those which obscure the text looks like i will be looking elsewhere if this goes on.
  3. Last year the total for the whole of Thailand was about 28mil sounds like bulldust to me.
  4. Just tie a brick to the end of it when you walk around the house i got more length but unfortunately less girth..
  5. I just found a letter from my last ext saying i must report balance in my bank acc,i missed the report due date by 3mths so far is this a big problem?note i keep the 800k in a term deposit so balance never drops below the 800k.
  6. Will have to wait for polling in the purple states really and look at the polls in a years time it's far to early to look at them now.
  7. He helped me many times over the years a real font of knowledge RIP Joe.
  8. I watched it in 2 sessions a simple story about colonization it had very good visual effects and left it self open for sequels
  9. Good news i find the horns obnoxiously loud much better the old bell ring.
  10. When i did my ext at jomtien in june this year i did not receive any notice to report balance as i did before.
  11. Thanks it is only 2 mths anyway,quick question i am going to aust in dec should i renew PP there or would it be better to do it in Thailand as the visa stamps will be in the old PP when i come back in.
  12. I need to get a new passport next year in june 23 but i renew my o visa in august this year which means i only have 10 months on my current passport,does anyone know off any complications please?
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