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  1. I have a good friend who lives there, she recently opened a Wellness Sanctuary called 'Mystic Village' in Pai. Quite a lot of slim, attractive, young Western (or Westernised) women in Pai. Pity it's not a big modern city. It would be nice to visit for a short holiday, but I could never live somewhere so undeveloped.
  2. That fact was disproved more than 2000 years ago. The idea that the Earth is round was first documented in the 5th century BC by Greek philosophers. The Greek mathematician Eratosthenes calculated the Earth's circumference around 240 BC. Yet, there are still people who think it's a fact that the world is flat. There are a lot of people who ignore facts because the facts don't fit their stupid agendas.
  3. Harsh? They are low class scum who've proven they don't deserve to be part of decent, polite society. If I had my way, they and people like them would just be executed. I don't believe in re-education. They knew what they were doing was wrong, they are just morons who thought they'd get away with it, or that the punishment won't be that bad. Prisons are a waste of money. In the UK the reoffending rate is/was around 25% and in a recent report they said a failure by the justice system to rehabilitate criminals has led to a £23.6 billion-a-year bill to the economy. Why do we bother putting people into prisons? A lot of these probably didn't offer much of value to society anyway, even before they were banged up. I'd rather live in a world where we don't have to lock anything, don't need passwords, can leave our possession anywhere knowing that the social contract will guarantee no-one will touch them, where the cost of crime is so close to zero that prices of things doesn't need to factor in losses from theft etc; and if the price of that near perfect world is the execution of millions of people before reality sinks in and people stop committing crime, then so be it.
  4. THAT is the scam! 800 baht for a taxi is nonsense.
  5. I was sending from Thailand via WISE to a UK Bank account, the recipient doesn't have a WISE account. I enter their bank details and swift address, then pay using my virtual visa issued by Kbank. Now I'm stuck because I can no longer make these small regular payments.
  6. It's more likely an attempt to stop scammers from repatriating the millions of baht they are taking off Thais every day.
  7. How the hell are you supposed to track what you spent in Thailand using your foreign debit/credit cards? I'm not going to keep all the receipts and then count up what I've spent in THB to then be taxed on that total.
  8. Been doing it for the past few years. Kbank virtual debit card to UK bank account, the recipient doesn't even have a WISE account she only has a Nat West Bank account. Never been a problem until now.
  9. I've been using my KBank virtual visa card to send cash to someone in the UK using WISE many times over the past few years. However since last week my cards are no longer being accepted. WISE said the cards are blocked. I called KBank today and they told me that WISE is now blocked because the bank can't determine where the money you are sending came from and why you are sending it.
  10. Why would immigration visit? They don't have the manpower to be trying to figure out where all the foreign owned businesses have their offices, or which offices might have a farang working in it. I regularly go to friend's offices in Bangkok and while I'm there I might sit at a spare desk to check my emails or facebook. Never once have I worried that immigration might randomly turn up.
  11. A few of my friends have the Galaxy Fold 6 and all of them say that it has made them a lot more productive. One of my Thai friends has both the new Fold 6 and the new S25 Ultra. I was considering the fold at 64K THB but have decided the S25 Ultra is probably better for my use case and its cheaper at 53K THB I'll buy a tablet to go with the phone instead of buying a folding phone. I'm looking at the Samsung Galaxy Tab S10 Ultra 14.5" tablet which comes with a keyboard case for 63K THB The screen time monitoring app on my phone shows that my screen is on for an average of 8 hours per day.
  12. There is a very good possibility, given the number of cameras here. If the family has doubts they can get an autopsy which might be conclusive, at that point it is likely to be kept private. There are so many things that can happen. This is too sad. Highly unlikely we'll ever hear the full story. There is rarely any follow-up in the news once they report a person is dead.
  13. Not smart enough to simply check the contents of the memory card. She'll look very stupid if it turns out the camera was not on and therefore not recording. It isn't illegal to own a recording pen if it's for your own legit use.
  14. Haha same here. I pictured 6 American blokes hassling the poor woman.
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