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  1. It's not only the British Islamic communities, it's all of them. The silent majority stays silent. They stay silent for a reason! The "river to the sea" crowd are the biggest fools.
  2. He's in the "Pandora Papers." Perhaps those right wing brain pans read more then you.
  3. That hatred you mention is called antisemitism.
  4. Were you a gov't worker by any chance? Our opinions obviously differ. Helping a Canadian citizen in a foreign country is a "real task". It's called doing their job!
  5. Since when has the Canadian consulate needed to verify the income statement? Their income letter to the Thai immigration says: in paraphrase, that "according to the clients affidavit and supporting documents, he/she receives x amount per month for visa renewal. They also confirm the passport (that had to be notarized if not in attendance) is valid. They also state that: "the Gov't of Canada accepts no responsibility or liability for the above named individual!" So show me where they have to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that these papers from the client are accurate? If they are not accurate the letter has covered their liability. So like I said, they can't be bothered anymore and they think we are dumb enough to believe their excuse.
  6. Ok Doc, I agree with you if Thai Immigration really asked British Embassy for verification. Or is it just talk to not do it anymore? I imagine the British Embassy was real busy doing it for their expats. It seems sort of like the money laundering excuse for all the roadblocks we come across these day.
  7. The Cad. embassy says they can't guarantee the income in the letter. The point is that the Thai immigration accepts the letters anyway. So we'll have to agree to disagree.
  8. Thank you. That's really the whole point. Thai immigration WOULD accept the income letter from Canadian embassy. Canadian embassy is making an excuse. They do not want to bother with old expats living here.
  9. Interesting statement from the Cad Embassy: "Because the Embassy of Canada has no means of confirming a Canadian citizen’s income, a notarized affidavit from the Embassy of Canada has never met the requirement to prove a minimum income level for a non-immigrant long-term stay visa." You mean showing Canadian Tax returns, to this embassy, are not proof of income? They should tell the truth. They just don't want to bother!
  10. Yeh, he's ignorant for sure but he can catch rockets in mid air.
  11. Like Canada's Trudeau: it's "Peoplekind" Hopefully that imbecile will disappear soon.
  12. Love it. The art of the deal. Setting the grass on fire so the rats appear and run.
  13. You might want to read the last paragraph in the article above! Apparently this DEI regarding ATC qualifications and hiring began during the Obama administration. Too bad Biden wasn't doing some common sense shooting from the hip. Actions have consequences and that DEI political garbage may have helped cause this consequence!
  14. I wouldn't want them in my home country. They teach their children to hate Jews and seem to agree with their elected representatives. Hamas! I'm sure most were very happy on Oct. 7. No thanks. You can have them.
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