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  1. You might want to read the last paragraph in the article above! Apparently this DEI regarding ATC qualifications and hiring began during the Obama administration. Too bad Biden wasn't doing some common sense shooting from the hip. Actions have consequences and that DEI political garbage may have helped cause this consequence!
  2. I wouldn't want them in my home country. They teach their children to hate Jews and seem to agree with their elected representatives. Hamas! I'm sure most were very happy on Oct. 7. No thanks. You can have them.
  3. He's a progressive creep instilling his vile bias into young people. He should be in jail.
  4. Common sense tells me it shouldn't be a difficult decision.
  5. Perhaps you could ask at the post office. I didn't ask!
  6. Of course this is an UNRWA press release! I particularly like the above paragraph. Guess the typical media hasn't been discussing the true extent of UNWRA's corruption! I wonder why.
  7. Yes and the UN can use her at UNRWA.
  8. DEI not working too well! Too bad, so sad.
  9. Hmm. You mean it's legal! Of course the roads here have a mind of their own and they challenge the drivers all the time. Those nasty roads should know better.
  10. Priceless. Actually you may want to ask the Chinese how they enjoy that system or even the Canadian truckers whose bank accounts were blocked. Governments are chomping at the bit to control your money-because they want it! Eventually it will get down to honest people like you and I. Because they want it!!!
  11. A guerrilla insurgency! That's a joke. Hamas won a majority of seats in the 2006 elections in Gaza. I think the people elected them.
  12. The Neocon war monger can send his own children.
  13. Yes this may be a larger problem for good ole Joe. Now Hunter may be forced to testify against his dad.

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