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Everything posted by 300sd

  1. Kamal's taped presentation seemed a little out of place. But not a much as she would have been had she attended. She's way out of her league.
  2. Common sense is not a gift it's a punishment. I'll leave you to figure out the last part of that quote. bye,bye.
  3. Oops. Read my post above. Guess it's time to move along:)
  4. Perhaps you should join my universe occasionally since FEMA is mentioned in the article. In any event I'm happy to say I am wrong about it because really I don't follow the financial aspects of this situation too closely. It was just a bit of common sense that makes one ponder why so much goes to a war in another country before helping American citizens. I guess they don't get to vote for that but I think they may be paying for it.
  5. Of course it's the Republicans fault. Although didn't Congress supply FEMA with 20 billion? Seems like a lot. Did they spend it already?
  6. I think you get the point. If not don't worry about it! It's fairly obvious to many.
  7. Apparently the current gov't does the same. But to Ukraine no problem: https://yournews.com/2024/10/16/2868403/biden-harris-administration-announces-425-million-aid-package-for-ukraine-as/
  8. Yeh that's right. I'm glad you know about it too. Had me fooled for a minute. So why is Israel the only country in the world only allowed to defend itself? They never seem to be allowed to win a war before the world comes down on them and says they are only allowed an equal response. Sorry, equal response time is over. It's time to rid the world of this disease. Of course it's only my opinion.
  9. Yeh, they have every right and I'm surprised they put up with attacks on their country for as long as they have. Obviously Oct. 7 broke the camel's back. You do know about Oct. 7 huh?
  10. Right. The IDF probably constructed all those tunnels right under the nose of UNIFIL. Perhaps they want to use them to sneak into Lebanon! Or maybe they are fake too and just want Hezbollah to look bad.
  11. This is called hate speech! It's fairly obvious that it's not quite the same as freedom of of speech.
  12. Slowly we are seeing that "safe and effective" wasn't really safe or effective. The human trials for this vaccine (the definition of a vaccine was changed to accommodate this) were too short to call it safe. The obvious lie from the beginning.
  13. Of course that's true although now N. Korea is in bed with China, Russia and Iran. China will go for Taiwan eventually, Russia and Iran are now closer allies. Ditto Russia and China. So just wondering what these so called experts think if there is a war on 4 fronts! Ukraine, Korea, Taiwan and Middle East!!
  14. Sad excuse. Here you go: https://www.forbes.com/sites/joewalsh/2021/10/29/lincoln-project-says-it-planted-white-supremacist-impersonators-at-event-for-virginia-republican-candidate/
  15. Always good to follow the science and read lots of studies so we can understand why our government suggests we do certain things to keep us safe. It's always for our best interests. (or profit). Anyway I particularly appreciate the study that was done with either using parachutes or just empty back packs while jumping out of a plane. It made no difference for either one. The plane was on the ground. Although some may have gotten sprained ankles from the weight of the parachute. https://www.bmj.com/content/363/bmj.k5094
  16. It's not my cage!
  17. There is a rooster in a cage that's bothering me. Any suggestions?
  18. Yes, great wish for some huh! Interesting how this kind of sick hope for increased termoil has grown lately. Perhaps it's because Israel is no longer on the receiving end of things. Some don't like that!
  19. Good luck with that. These are people who want to kill Jews. It's not about land. Here's an interesting interview. Only need to listen to the first minute or so and if you really want to understand why the ex pm of Israel says what he says then perhaps you can google: the palestinian centre for policy and research!
  20. You might want to read your own question a little more carefully and think about it. But if you still don't get it then perhaps you might understand this article: https://www.timesofisrael.com/top-iranian-general-vows-to-wipe-out-annihilate-israel/
  21. I hope both sides run out of amo tomorrow and never have any again. That would include nuclear weapons. An Islamophobe? No I don't think so, but if not agreeing with sharia law makes me that then I'm in. The Iranian regime in bent on the destruction of Israel. Israel has a right just like your country or any other country to exist. Antisemetics probably don't feel that way. How about you?
  22. Spoken like a true anti-semite. Just my opinion!
  23. Is that called "shedding!" I don't want to park beside them.
  24. In Thailand it is a common occurrence unfortunately.
  25. It seems to me that Hamas "was" just an inconvenience to Gazans. Think of all the work building tunnels going on below their feet. It must have been uncomfortable to put up with that during their daily routines (for years). The more comfortable part was the reality that death to all Israelis was the norm. Obviously the so called innocent Gazan population prefer the extinction of Israel to the removal of Hamas. So unfortunately everyone sleeps in the bed they make.
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