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Everything posted by 300sd

  1. The BBC may be taking applications soon. You should apply!
  2. Most do know and understand what is happening. Apparently you have a problem with it!
  3. Yes of course they were normal people and we all know what happened. I am only stating that I don't believe that guy was denying the Holocaust happened in that interview. I listened to that whole bloody thing, the guy is extremely well versed, and I disagree with him regarding what he said about the Nazi plan for the Jews. He may or may not be a denier, but I never heard it in that interview. Did You?
  4. I know what you are saying and I agree with you 100%. I don't like what the guy said about it, as stated above, but I don't think he denied the Holocaust in that interview. That's all I am stating.
  5. The guy may be a Holocaust denier. But what he said, if I heard it correctly, is that the Nazis may not have had a plan to murder the Jewish people who they took prisoner. I don't think he was denying that the Holocaust happened. I take exception to that though and also to Carelson for not holding him accountable for that statement.
  6. Don't think her leadership got through to some of the Deans who were caught texting antisemitic messages and fired.
  7. Yeh that's right. You have a problem with history? History always repeats itself, because people never change. bye, bye.
  8. No I meant the Dems who so graciously accepted Trumps win the last time. You know "He's not my president!" Someone should tell these people that instead of tearing their country apart if they don't like their new president, just vote him out in 4 years. And that goes for both groups. Oh you want a link, here you go: https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-37922897
  9. They probably found one in the person who was killed! If not then he just had an unexplained death huh!
  10. Shame on your statement.
  11. So if Trump wins the Dems will accept their new president! There will not be any "chaos and violence" (according to MSN.com), you know like burning buildings, lawsuits etc. Give me a break. These hypocrites are very tiring!
  12. Human rights huh. What does the little creep say about the human rights of 6 Jewish hostages executed with bullets to the back of the head?
  13. She lost 8 votes from the Walz family. Perhaps for a different reason. Are they selling those t's.
  14. What an ignorant statement!
  15. Yes working great, we've seen the results over the term. Can't wait for more of the same. Oh reminds me of a quote I read somewhere: The forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them. Actually I don't think the axe is that clever but more clever then the trees.
  16. Yes, just following Klaus's plan. (I don't remember voting for that)
  17. Don't think he'll get a vote from the ones who's bank accounts were seized! Hmm, wonder if it'll get down to us??
  18. There may be a loss alright but it's not a loss of an argument! Go argue with someone else if you want to call it that. I'm not interested.
  19. Well she is coming for your unrealized capital gains! Do you think it may be the same as in Germany in 1918?
  20. Yes you're right about that. Apparently there is some funding for illegal women and children including some emergency health care. The problem I see is: how do these mainly male illegals, who have been streaming into the US over the last 4 yrs survive without any funding or legal work etc.? What happens to them after the election? Law and order could become a problem if it isn't already.
  21. Excellent. What part of the US are you living in then? We'll all want to join you. Oh, do they have a draft yet? Well if not there will be one soon thanks to the war mongers running that country.
  22. The "choice" you get with Kamala is the same people running the country for the next 4 years (or more) as the ones who are running the country now. Of course Kamala is just another puppet. Quote from Uri Bezmenov: Stop selling the rope that hangs you.
  23. It doesn't matter who wins. Neither side will accept this election. I wonder if this is the last one!
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