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Everything posted by 300sd

  1. Interesting that this article is about people like you!
  2. They probably love him in California too.
  3. Walz is the perfect pick for much more of the same lunacy as we have seen for the last 3.5 years. I'm sure Minnesota will be please when he's gone. (in a way)
  4. No the beef isn't with Harris. It's who put her there and who will be running her and her underling. Obama has a hand in the trash. He's driving the garbage truck but he may not own all of it!
  5. Excellent. The other side must be dancing in the isles after the dummy picks this loon. Perhaps I can also get a drivers license if I'm an illegal alien. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/03/08/minnesota-democrat-gov-tim-walz-opens-drivers-licenses-to-77000-illegal-aliens/
  6. No it's about merit. She has none.
  7. Although it's a term stated by the right, it is practise by the left only! Temperature graphs can be made to say whatever they want. Anyway it doesn't matter, the world is ending in 13 year apparently.
  8. It's kinda like taxes. Just fudge it a little to get what they want. Or is it a case of thermometer cancel culture?
  9. Well it is in the "World News" section and these problems are ongoing in the West. It's fairly obvious. Perhaps you may have missed some news with all due respect.
  10. Yup, you can take that to the bank! (he probably did). London College gets funding from Bill Gates. Gee wasn't that where the lock down plans along with that 2 meter distancing thing was thought up during Covid? Wow that's a coincidence. Just following the science, the paid science.
  11. I'm surprised Trump stayed so long. Some would have been gone before that abc "b" finally asked her question. She was rude.
  12. Although democracy gives one the right to protest it doesn't give one the right to spew hatred and support or wish for the destruction of a people. When you feel that type of hatred is directed at you (for example), perhaps you will feel differently. I do agree with you, that creature was a monster and I'm happy he's not walking!
  13. Weird you say. Show me anyone in the previous Trump Government as weird as these two creeps: Well of course one had to be fired for baggage theft!
  14. Yes that's weird too. Although I would much rather have my tax dollars go toward some baked goods then paying for transgender sex changes in prisons. They can wait!
  15. I'd say this was weird but that's just me: "Kamala Harris Advocates for Taxpayer Funded Gender Reassignment Surgeries for Transgender Inmates." One can watch and listen to her say that while being interviewed by a transgender.
  16. Yes the whole world noticed how he cowered down and cried like a little dog after he was nearly assassinated. Of course Kamala would have soiled herself!
  17. Sure it was Joe's decision. Better then using the 25th amendment! It was nice of Obama to give him the choice with Kamala's blessing. Reminds me of snakes.
  18. Disgusting comment. You may want to brush up on history. It seems you don't know it all that well!
  19. No you put yourselves there. Perhaps trying for a peace deal could help. War mongers!
  20. Yes it's all Israels fault isn't it. Israel should put down all their weapons and make peace with all the nice surrounding Arab countries that just want to live in harmony with them. "Israel brought it on themselves." Surely you must be joking with that statement. I think Oct.7 had something to do with it. Of course you may think of it as just: "some people did something!"
  21. They are as dumb as a can of tomato soup for that painting would most likely be made from linseed oil!
  22. Ukraine stepped out of the sheep flock. Didn't fancy the war agenda!
  23. Thanks Joe you've done a fabulous job reading what your handlers write and signing what they put in front of you. Good riddance with all due respect!
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