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Everything posted by 300sd

  1. Find the link yourself. Obviously it wouldn't come across CNN!
  2. It's fairly obvious that something was different after the first question compared to all the other times she has spoken without a prompter! She's way out of her league.
  3. This is very common here. When a family member is arrested everyone wants them out on bail until the court proceedings and even after the case on appeal if they were found guilty. The scum comes to the surface visibly here. I saw it when I was trying to have someone out on bail. I even had offers from a cop to pay a judge off. I turned that lowlife down but it cost me a dinner and more. It's a difficult situation and easy to take advantage when people are desperate.
  4. He was answering the question. My answer to it is that the country is pretty much already destroyed. Neither side will ever accept the other. So it doesn't matter who wins. If anything with the Chameleon, you will get more of the same. It's ignorant (with all due respect) to destroy a country over politics when one can just accept it for four years and vote them out if you don't like it. Both sides disgust me.
  5. Yes good point. Bitcoin is more of a trading vehicle. Although gold is going up in most major currencies around the world, it has been fairly stable in Thai baht the last 5 months or so. If one purchased gold in Thai baht 10 yrs ago then it has been a good saving vehicle. It's doubled.
  6. I drove a school bus on a small country road like that when I was a teenager. Sometimes only room for one vehicle to pass. IF there was a car coming, it got out of the way for me. It's never the roads fault.
  7. "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't!"
  8. That's why they are keeping "her" in the basement. She's not drunk on power, she's just drunk. Besides they really don't need her out there. The die is already cast!
  9. Obviously the plan for the last 4 years has been open borders for nearly anyone who wants in. Hard to believe your average American wants this! So what is the real plan? https://x.com/GOPoversight/status/1836789913863270659
  10. Did it ever occur to you that Ukraine has been granted access to use British weapons against Russia? Let me put it a different way for you to understand: You are my neighbour and I don't like how you are treating the neighbour on the other side of you. I give that other neighbour a machine gun to mow you down. You know I did this. If he misses then I would expect you to come after me because you would think that I also want you gone. How on that??
  11. Better then being a nuke target! Russian will use them.
  12. Many years ago my friend was driving and we were approaching a turn on a two lane highway. Two busses appeared coming around the corner one passing the other. He calmly moved over and drove on the shoulder and let them go by. He looked over at me and said: "we use the whole road here."
  13. Vance, prefer him over Walz. "A total surrender." A total surrender for who? Ukraine or the West? I don't care if Ukraine totally surrenders. Better then nuclear war. With regard to your last two sentences: "fair peace compromise": peace is a win for everyone. "totally deluded": look in the mirror. And your last sentence: "Putin could paint that as a massive victory and he'd be right." Well gee wouldn't that be terrible to think Putin would have a victory. You sound like Victoria Newland and her ilk. Actually your whole post is disgusting.
  14. I think you missed my point.
  15. Our "Dreamers" doing Voodoo. It's ok until they get down to us!
  16. No tax on overtime sounds like a good idea. But not if Trump says it huh!
  17. Interesting the Chameleon doesn't do interviews when she is so good at debates!
  18. By the time you remove your head from the sand, (with all due respect) I'm sure we will see that Haitians are surprising many Americans etc with some amazing culture practices right there in lil ole Springfield! With regard to the "dog on the menu": I wish I could prove it to you because that China doll was a real beauty and I'd love to see her again. Her name was Mai. Sorry can't fact check her name for you either.
  19. Hard to believe a foreigner would eat a cat, or a dog for that matter in the West. Of course we know it happens in Vietnam. Can't find a dog anywhere over there. My Chinese gf took me to a popular Chinese restaurant in Vancouver many years ago. (no English on the menu). I asked her about a dish that I couldn't read. She said it was dog. The food was great and we went back often, although I always needed to remind her not to order dog for me. Trump of course should not have blasted out such a dumb statement on eating pets. That was idiotic. It might be true but don't worry about it because in time there will be way worse as a result of Biden's and the Chameleon's policies.
  20. So the truth doesn't matter to you either! One can say the same thing about your Chameleon VP. How can you vote for someone who lies? The difference is that one needs to research her lies since mainstream news only talks about the “Trump” lies. The Chameleon knows she's lying. My vote would be against the destruction of the country. Unfortunately each side thinks the other side is trying to destroy the country. No one wants to listen to the truth.
  21. Right, we hate Trump so much that we don't want the truth. We don't even care what the truth is and we're sorry they missed. Of course correct me if I'm wrong, just reading between your lines and it's ugly!
  22. The chameleon won the debate clearly. She talked the talk. Trump was pathetic. Does she walk the walk?
  23. Just wondering what you would call the "Allies" during ww2 that killed around 450000 innocent Germans that were not involved in the war? Butchers?
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