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Everything posted by 300sd

  1. Yeh right. I think Obama, around 2015, was the first one to blab that and it stuck.
  2. He and his wife declined it after he was out of office. I don't know why. It is said that he wanted to save the taxpayer money. He was the only president to do this. Who really knows the true reason.
  3. Not sure what one should call your comment! There were at least 3 different guns fired that day. At least. You think there is not a cover up? Many have analyzed the shots and if you took the time to listen closely then you could too!
  4. Read the headline. It's increasing. What's the cause? Detailed reporting!
  5. Apparently Nixon would not accept the gov't SS protection. Wonder why?
  6. Apparently Nixon wouldn't accept SS protection. He didn't trust them. There are many questions not being answered since the assassination attempt. And some ridiculous answers from the SS head. Like the roof was too slanted to post agents up there! Was there a second shooter? There were apparently shots from three different rifles! What is the location of the people that were shot and the bullet trajectories? I didn't notice any shell casings on that roof but they were happy to show the phone and the other device. Why were they hosing down the roof? Cleaning it or getting rid of evidence? Too many unanswered questions. It's an inside job and we're seeing a cover-up.
  7. The Republican would be assassin was in an ad for Blackrock. That's weird! https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/blackrock-pulls-commercial-that-included-trump-rally-shooter/ar-BB1q1jFV
  8. Hmm. Pre 1948 Jews and Arabs lived together quite well. Wonder what happened. Perhaps read some history. As you should know much more land was offered to the so called Palestinians many times after 1948 and it was always rejected. It's not about land it's about hate for Jews. Like Golda Meir said, "We have always said that in our war with the Arabs we had a secret weapon — no alternative." They had no choice then or now. They put down their weapons and they will cease to exist.
  9. Why don't you read some Golda Meir quotes. Perhaps you might get a clue who the horse really is. With all due respect.
  10. Surely you can't believe that drivel. This war was never about land nor were any of the other wars about land. This war and all the others were about getting rid of Jews.
  11. Of course this is common all over Thailand. There are a couple ways to do it here. Go to pawn shop and hand over ownership papers for your land or motor bike and for 5% per month you get a loan. Or go to these lower scum as in this article and in my area they will charge 20% per month. This really disgusts me and is one of the scourges of Thailand.
  12. No you're right. It's about people like you who hate so much you are willing to destroy your country. And you are! You don't like him, vote him out in 4 yrs.
  13. Good, your reply shows a better example of it!
  14. Interesting graph. What does the 100 years look like before 1880? Oh and by the way, are all those temperatures after 1980 actually from meteorological stations or are some of them guesstimates since some of those stations are not in operation anymore. Of course we all know that thermometers in the cities do not give the proper results. Where are these thermometers located?
  15. Regarding that "safety study" you mention. Guess we can read these studies till we're blue in the face and perhaps the truth is still elusive! For example some people did a study on jumping out of an airplane with a parachute in their pack or without one. Guess what happened? To my recollection it didn't matter whether they had one or not. Here is part of the "Conclusion: Parachute use did not reduce death or major traumatic injury when jumping from aircraft in the first randomized evaluation of this intervention." Of course the plane was on the ground. Here's the link if you want to have a look: https://www.bmj.com/content/363/bmj.k5094
  16. No, just some common sense!! Some have very little of it!
  17. Well one can see the Wuhan lab from the "wet market"! Sure it probably came from the market.
  18. What, going against the narrative! How dare someone question the lie!
  19. There's a Toyota dealership almost anywhere you travel in Thailand. Of course you never need them! 11 yrs old with 235000km.
  20. The world seemed to work well when one hired on merit!
  21. Bought Samsung wind free two months ago. So far it's working great.
  22. Must be the reason the "children" have their priorities a little upside-down. Disgusting antisemitic garbage hired to ruin our children! No wonder some are marching in the streets while cheering on Hamas and hating Jews. Hire garbage, teach garbage and this is what you get.
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