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Posts posted by milesinnz

  1. "Those infected both in China and in Thailand have been elderly, had pre existing health conditions and weakened immune systems". ... BS.. so this applies to the young doctor who was one of the first to raise the alarm, the one who recently died. Whilst there are elements of hysteria, there is a lot of propaganda swilling around as well. If there really is no problem, the authorities in Thailand need to tell the Chinese leadership that they have it all wrong, and that they should close all the extra facilities for the sick people... because cars are more dangerous.. but hey, why expect anything different from the Thai authorities ???? Oh, and why worry about people being murdered in Thailand.. because a lot more get killed in cars... such is Thai logic..

  2. 18 hours ago, bbi1 said:

    Just tourists? Why not just ban all foreigners from riding scooters & motorcycles in Thailand.

    I am a foreigner when in Thailand. I have a motorcycle in Thailand, and one in Cambodia, as well as one in my home country. I have been riding motorcycles 50 years, and never had an accident since I was 16, and that was only extremely minor. I have ridden thousands of kms in Thailand, and out of any country, I really enjoy riding a bike in Thailand.. Because some people make stupid and ill informed comments, there should be a ban on people making comments on any Internet based forum...

    • Like 2
  3. 6 hours ago, Roy Baht said:

    No, Vietnam is now clamping down on long-stay tourist visas--and they have nothing like the Non-O long stay. It's not looking for retirees.

    New rules go into effect 20 July 2020:

    "Accordingly, the amended law stipulates that a foreigner will be allowed to remain for only 30 days in Vietnam when granted a 30-day or longer tourist visa"


    and the Vietnamese cry when they are not allowed free and open access to work and stay forever in European countries... ??? what utter hypocrisy... it's little wonder the growing resentment there is particularly in Europe..

  4. However unpalatable it is, the truth is that in the overwhelming situations such as this, there are childhood circumstances to lead to this sort of outcome. To say "there is no excuse" is to avoid the issue. This is nothing to do with making excuses, it has everything to do with how we as parents bring our children up, and in the broader context, how supportive society is to the parents and the younger generation - not only supportive, but also to avoid negative judgements on children as to how they "should be" according to some adult wish - the best way to encourage positive outcomes is by passive example. Never more is true than we reap what we sow. Western society is even conditioned to look to blame, without ever considering the reasons for bad outcomes.. often the reasons are too difficult to face, so we prefer to ignore them, and look for someone to blame. It is difficult to imagine the emotional turmoil that must have been present in this family, even if "the family" was just mother and son.... I was just mother and son.... so I do have a lot of insight of the many things that can go wrong, but are never acknowledged by the broader society... because it is too challenging, just in the too hard basket....

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Beggar said:

    Why don't they do this in Sihanoukville? There they are used to Chinese gambling business. What makes Thailand so attractive for them? 

    ah, they were until Hun Sen closed them all down.. talk is 80,000 have left (could be a factor of ten out, who knows, but all the flights out are fully booked).. shops empty... it seems a lot and dramatic, but I am only repeating what I have read. Convoy of army/police traveling from PP, no one knows why.. image.png.6c2816f0c49618be9b56eafd8920f7a7.png

    • Like 1
  6. 14 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

    I think we already had a referendum.

    maybe there was a referendum that I missed, asking if they want a referendum..????? or how do "they" know there is a "majority" who want xxx.. wasn't it the expectation that the original vote would be to stay in.. they got that wrong, so how can you believe any other statements about "majority" ??? when no vote has been taken... polls have been notoriously wrong

    • Like 1
  7. 17 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Why not get a Thai drivers license ?,nobody is targeting Farangs. 

    regards worgeordie

    On a motorcycle I ALWAYS get stopped.. guaranteed.. once I was stopped 3 times in about 30 kms, on the third time I talked to one of the more senior officers, and the next two checkpoints, in about the next 30 km, I went through which has never happened to me before (did he radio ahead?).. I just use an International license, and am only in Thailand for a few months every year... quite frankly I am <deleted> off with Thailand, and yes, I now spend as little time as I can there, and only go because of friends I have made over the years... I was going to buy a bigger bike, nothing outrageous but not now...I hope their economy sinks.. they deserve it...

    • Haha 2
  8. 2 hours ago, SammyT said:

    Pretty much just here to see the ranting of angry expats. My TM30 reporting takes up a few hours each year. It's not ideal, but it is what it is. 

    right, and if you are a tourist for a few months, on a motorcycle, traveling every day or every other day, am I or my Thai friend supposed to reserve the next day for filling in the TM30 relating to the private residence I have just stayed at ???...

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    • Sad 1
  9. 4 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

    If one wants to do "touring" in Thailand and better avoid an early death one should rent a car or, better yet, take the bus. These spectacular crashes we've been seeing are not done with "touring" bikes but with racing bikes that don't strike me as being the best tour bikes such as the Honda Gold Wing, for example.



    clearly you have never toured on a big bike, or probably not even a smaller one. but maybe you just feel you have a right to try and enforce your values as to the way people should feel and behave. I wonder what else you would be advising people not to do ? Not to go sky diving, scuba diving, or even go to a Thai bar ????

    • Like 2
  10. It really is time Thai authorities asked travel agents, and to post advertisements in countries where foreigners are under the very mistaken belief that Thailand is a place to find prostitutes, and that they risk prosecution if they are caught. This would go a long way to reducing the demand for such tourists and leave the field open for "family tourists". - although it might also be the source of other problems.. ???? ..

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