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Everything posted by milesinnz

  1. It looks like sepsis.. amazing how few people know about a bigger killer than heart attacks
  2. Sounds like Sepsis following her original surgical procedures... Sepsis is a fatal condition often needing amputation to save the person's life...
  3. Put him on the next plane back to Moscow... Putin will have a job for him...
  4. "I don’t understand the mentality of this daughter".. exactly... Thai family dynamics are often a lot different to those of western families - and those western family dynamics leave a lot to be desired. In Thai society it is often seen as the daughters responsibility to "look after" the parents I think in the case of more than one daughter it is the older daughter - and they then get to inherit everything and sons get nothing. But this means that the mother then often treats the daughter as some sort of slave to be kept on a very short leash often destroying the adult life of the daughter - never marry, hand over any money she earns to her mother. I have seen it on more than one occasion. Now if you were a daughter in such a situation and had been conditioned to fulfill this role, how might you feel ?
  5. so Thailand has such lax safety standards that tourists end up seriously injured in hospital... but hey Thai authorities really care, "we made special provisions to extend your visa".. are these injured tourists supposed to show gratitude now ?
  6. He's in the years running for the Red Bull driving Globe Award....
  7. a relative of a well known family who runs a big drinks empire I wonder ???
  8. what happened to the mandatory photo OP ????..... with about 6 Police and a face blurred out..... maybe he found out that the girl he was "in love with" was not a girl at all .. ???? ...
  9. "It was decided that the cord had broken perhaps due to wear that could not be ascertained with the naked eye. "... I wonder if they also apply this philosophy to the aviation sector.. ???.... be good to know...
  10. "Thailand Private Debt accounted for 164.78 % of its Nominal GDP in Dec 2022"... nah, it will just be a different train wreck...
  11. so he was chasing his dreams, looking for a job in Thailand, without a helmet - so where did his 5 children ever come into his plans ???
  12. I once had a "friends with benefits girl", she said "the best way to get over a man, is to get under another one".. there must be a male version of this.. - but there sure is a lot of truth in this statement, and should not be too hard for a western guy in SE Asia...
  13. The subjects featured in the still of the video look "well qualified" - I wonder if they have work visas ?.. and are not talking work away from the locals ?
  14. I have meet lots of wonderful Thai women... and most had their own property... there is no reason to HAVE to buy some Thai female a house and land or even get married... my second home is in Cambodia, which is a small farm close to the Thai border (hate the idea of Thai visas and the restrictions on what you can and cannot do)... I never paid for any land and I have what I can call a third home in Udon - lovely family who look after my Thai motorcycle and I have my own room and offer me everything and never ask for anything.... there really are so many amazing Thai ladies out there... some with businesses many with their own homes.. I guess they are older (but really attractive as only Thai girls can be), maybe more than 40, but if you are 60 +... then you are fooling yourself going for a 20 something girl...
  15. what a load of nonsense from children who should be playing in a school playground... primary school at that... "we have all these wonderful sex toys for sale (internationally)", but we don't allow them in our own country because... well ??? can anyone work this out.. as I am lost for words.. - stamped "made in Thailand, but banned from sale in Thailand".. what a brilliant marketing campaign that could be..
  16. How long before there are lots of Russian over-stayers ?
  17. I hope other tourist countries can up their game as the safest thing for tourists to do is to AVOID Thailand... this sort of nonsense will never end...
  18. so they are not worried about pregnant men being a health risk ?
  19. So why is Thailand not offering them asylum, giving them a home and giving them pocket money as well as feeding them ? Oh silly me, that would be a western country, not a fellow Asian country...
  20. "The announcement follows three changes to the policy in as many days". what are the odds that there will not be a fourth change ????
  21. and tomorrow, TAT will issue their projections of increased arrivals in their millions....
  22. Great idea.. message to all foreign tourists, check out and compare prices in Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, or maybe even closer to home and get a cheaper air ticket... surprise surprise, Thailand is not the only tourist destination... let the market decide.... but don't cry if it all goes wrong..
  23. It is not a child, it is a fetus.. learn the difference... and what the hell does politics have to do with this ??
  24. This onward ticket business is a load of nonsense, when like the OP, you intend your exit to the country, to be by land.. but the dumb and blind seems to insist on these stupid rules - thankfully, this is not the case for Cambodia - yet.... so yes, you are wise to abide by these nonsense rules...
  25. maybe it is time to exit these treaties.. others would soon follow...
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