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Everything posted by milesinnz

  1. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/kiwi-brothers-arrested-in-thailand-hamish-and-mattson-day-back-in-new-zealand-after-roadside-struggle-with-police-officer/XKH2NICSIBBQXDA4JK6ES2YC3I/
  2. do we get a Police reenactment of the crime.. if so can you tell me where and when please ?
  3. mmmm.. time for a social experiment.. slap a Thai policeman, then offer him a 100 Baht to forget it..
  4. why don't they make an issue out of population explosions, because guess what, more people = more emissions.. Africa population 1990 = 816 million, 2016 = 1,200 million, by 2050 will be 2,500 million (same applies to the Middle East - hence a source of conflict - ... and lets talk about the emissions from rice - yes, that's right.. Of course they won't talk about these real issues because it does not involve evil white people who drive cars and fly aircraft.. and on that subject 3% of climate changing emissions come from aviation.. 8% from cement.. so better stop constructing infrastructure to cope with all these population explosions..
  5. I wonder if AIDS had occurred in a time of mass media and the Internet, if it would have been dismissed in the vein as people dismiss COVID ? In terms of fear.. the world is consumed by fear.. there is a difference between being informed and being fearful..
  6. when is DW going to do documentaries on sexual abuse in Africa, Europe, the USA, Bangladesh and India. I know some documentaries have been done in the past (I have seen them), but I have never seen these places revisited. In terms of deprivation and misery, this makes the scene in Pattaya some sort of holy place. I think for DW, being the cheap left wing propagandists they are, it's not so sexy when you don't have wealthy white men paying good money for non white girls.. so it's ok for a worse and vastly more miserable situation (Africa, Bangladesh, India) to occur in other parts of the world, where the earnings are minuscule ? DW are the perverts...
  7. "subjected her to a 10% daily interest rate". the people lending at this rate need to be condemned and punished in the same manner as the pimps, who pimped these underage girls.. they are knowingly creating misery feeding off the desperate... in others, the outcome could have been suicide - and that is then not such a big issue because suicide is not sexy....
  8. Can someone tell me what Visa they are on... as I want one of those seemingly unlimited visa's with no reporting...
  9. you are dead wrong.. only if you go to tourist type bars.. in the real Thailand... I have known more than one girl.... over 20... who have had no sexual experience at all. and there are some things you cannot fake.. if you go to Cambodia, there are many virgin girls looking for a western man.. I have known 2 intimately... and this is not all.. you are clueless...
  10. So the British government says please stay in Britain and be a burden on the hospital and social services as they dont have enough to do. Good thinking Batman
  11. Australia like other regions of largely Caucasian descent brought it on themselves by allowing mass immigration from regions of different cultural and religious values. I somehow don't think it is a problem in places like Poland - they wont allow those of different values to settle in their country.
  12. I don't think it would be a good idea to integrate with the Titanic..
  13. about time western leaders rattled the Thai leadership... cut trade with Thailand and advise their tourists to go to another country.. there are plenty to choose from and Thailand doesn't want tourists, all they want is their money...
  14. At Suvarnabhumi for a number of years at least, they had New Zealand upside down on their World map. Hardly an advertisement for competence..
  15. So why can't the UK behave like Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia. I saw a short clip of the Polish PM, where he was being attacked for being racist.. and he went on to say, "well if I am racist then so be it as I put the people of my country first".. and he said a lot more.. the far left interviewer was left speechless.. BREXIT was all about gaining control (of the UK's borders), so the UK has BREXIT and nothing has changed as regards the borders. So now we see the real truth is gutless UK Politicians and the march of the far left who when they don't get their way, start screaming far right conspiracies.. there was a vote on BREXIT, why not one on immigration = they would be too frightened to have one.. and that has to be the biggest exposure of lack of democracy ever, in the UK.
  16. "This case serves as a grim reminder of the potential for international conflicts to fuel domestic acts of terror and the ongoing need for vigilance and effective law enforcement to prevent such tragedies."... simple... KEEP THESE PEOPLE OUT.. is this "Rocket science" ???.. guess it is to UK politicians...
  17. what better advertisement can there be, for the incompetence of UK governments for allowing this sort of trash into the UK.. will this change anything. I doubt it, it will be business as usual. Poland manages to secure it's borders and they have land borders .. so how can they keep this sort of trash out, but the UK cannot ?
  18. They did not clarify if they were two Thai women, or two dastardly foreign women ? After all they did make it clear it was a Thai man who was the victim....
  19. you really don't "get it"... I am saying people should make their own choices, but then stand by the results of their own choices.. seems you want to push your view onto everyone.. and that makes you the fraud...
  20. I think there should be free choice to vaccinate or not.. but those who do not get vaccinated need to sign an indemnity form that should they get sick with Covid, they will stay at home until they are "better"..
  21. Enoch Powell (Rivers of blood - except he never used these words) only got one thing wrong.. the scale of the disaster that was going to befall Great Britain..
  22. make sure this makes the western press.. oh s***, there will be a warrant out for my arrest as well.....
  23. Please do TAT a favour.. tell all your western mates, don't come to Thailand... if you must come to SE Asia go to Vietnam or The Philippines.. that should make the Thai's much happier...
  24. as regards human life or death... a couple of degrees can make the difference.. the effect of excess heat for humans is non-linear - go the extra bit and you are not just hotter.. you are dead..
  25. "none of those beach front properties on the oceans could be insured"... some coastal property regions are becoming uninsurable in New Zealand.. but then in your world, maybe Thailand won't be affected by rising sea levels.. but if you ever did any research on these sorts of subjects, then you would know that sea level rise is a very slow but progressive fact... - it is the storms surges that are causing the most damage... not just going out and finding the sea level has gone up a few mm....
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