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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. yes whilst many thais don't get the same treatment if injured ..what do you expect when these Ferrell animals have more rights than Humans as far as many people are concerned..
  2. yes but in many civilized countries it is controlled..in my old country each animal had to be fully vaxed ..chip containing all info inserted into ear.. the Owners responsible for dogs actions in the case of dog biting someone... and being seen as a threat Put down immediately..no monks taking it for its new life at a temple where it probably goes on to do it all again Just sayin
  3. no that's to easy 2 wais and a week at the temple that should sort him out eh
  4. Yep got 40 mil couldn't think of a country anywhere in the world safer to put it ....oh my dear Aunt
  5. must have been a c##p shot to need 10 rounds ..and this guy is SWAT oh my dear aunt..
  6. get out of the bar areas and there are some beautiful places ..a lot more to see if people could get off the bar stool..
  7. sorry am I missing something over 9000 euros a month..dreaming I think sorry but Who earns that ...no one I know that's for sure
  8. ok thanks mate ..do I have to notify that she will be staying with us at home as I know that before the hotel's had the job of doing this ..or has all that gone now..tks again
  9. Hello folks looking for some advice here .. my daughter will be coming to stay for 1 month with me and the family soon. I know some rules have changed certain forms and entry papers are now not being given out . I live here in Thailand have a permanent address .so the question what is now required on entry ..is there anything that must be done on her arrival to notify the authority's I'm only asking because it's hard to keep up with changes here Tks for any help H
  10. ok so we agree to disagree no problem that's what these forums are for debate eh !! ..have a good day H
  11. calm down old chap.. Cardiac.... if 2 people are in a car and one goes into a bank and robs it and one is driving..it's aiding and abetting..if 2 people chase a motor bike in a car and one gets out and almost kills someone and the other guy is driving it's aiding and abetting isn't it Just sayin PS the onlookers were Not driving the car or did I miss something..
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