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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. some early risers on this forum.. normally go to bed at 2am..ha
  2. here where I live in the North 2 years before we loved together.. but prior to my now wife when I was in Pattaya girls in my bed in 2 hours depends who and where eh..
  3. exactly.. I knew my wife for 2 years before she was allowed to even stay at my place (officially) family decided that if not married then engaged was ok so that's what we did it kept the now mother in law happy ..
  4. I can vouch for that I have a lot of tats arms ..Back fully covered..on one session the guy opened his shop at 9 pm for me worked on me till early morning (no puns) pain was unbearable but at the same time I couldn't wait to get more of it ..it can be a buzz I know it sounds strange but it's true
  5. only a small part of this terrible crime ever came out ..as the OP said cover up..Woke British government afraid of upsetting certain masses..
  6. hi mate just going by things a lot of my mates have said ..single blokes who tend to travel a lot more than I do ..just thinks like less hoops to jump thru and less officialdom..also prices ..just passing on what I've been told I'm here for the long haul..
  7. yep do this .Thailand's tourism would be finished..Laos.. Vietnam.. Cambodia.. Myanmar..all looking attractive cost wise ..
  8. very well said there mate biggest cover up in history regarding grooming of these poor kids by these vermin ..
  9. a lot of truth there quality tourists..Pattaya . somehow those don't belong in the same sentence eh ..
  10. yesterday watching house of commons debate the minister stated it's costs 7 million pounds a day for immigrants hotels that's just Hotels ..before all the other benefits..she also stated they will send 200.000.000 pounds in aid to Africa..200.000.000 condoms would be better I think
  11. been our of the UK over 30 worked all over Europe but company English paid tax NI since I was 15..but counts for FA.....all I'm saying I should be allowed to live anywhere I want not a specified country at the end of my working life and receive the same benefit..the Country saves billions by us being abroad..just sayin
  12. loi Krathong on line ..what next songkran on line .sit and throw water at your phone.. online everything eh
  13. hello all .just looking for a little help here regards parking at the airport .. I drive past it regular but never parked there normally bus or taxi when leaving . This December Im picking up family I'll be coming in from the north so after I leave the main highway I've seen signs to the airport ..but is the short term (should be there a few hours only) parking signed clearly..I see they have 2 buildings for short term and 1 long term..also regards payment is it by machine in the terminal as most airports or is it pay on exit at barrier.. doe's it accept cash and card ...thanks for any help H
  14. yep same here I worked 50 years for good old UK I decided to spend my last days here in the Sun..because of that I'm not entitled to anything that others Many who have never worked a day in their life get..should not matter where I live my pension is not a gift by the UK I earned it
  15. yep the idiots are running the asylum eh.. country finished ..done gone to the dogs ..let em keep the cesspit..
  16. seems that it depends how much cash you have or who you know..to how many people you can kill..I wonder if they have a scale in which they calculate..only in Thailand ...Laws in this country are a joke .. wonder how much was in the envelope eh
  17. must agree preventive maintenance and Thailand shouldn't be used in the same sentence..
  18. same here took my F##d to a registered garage for inspection and service I cam back with 3 hoses and a piece of soothing with a pulley and tensioner on it huge thing ..hoses were good as new no faults ..holes or wear ..just did the job..ask why all this was changed said ...no good live and learn stay with the car so you can control what they do ...again due to certain rights here I can't name the garage don't even want to risk putting the model
  19. oh please don't misunderstand me I be just as angry if old Vlad bit my leg..but I'm sure it's more of a chance it's a soi dog that will eh..just sayin
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