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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. 10 against 1 usual ratio ..nothing to see here move on
  2. correct K bank has some of the worst rates here I find TT are fair
  3. yep I've had really bad doctors here and a couple of good ones.. can't paint them all with the same brush eh
  4. could be a great time to test out those subs eh
  5. Big Brother..they will know every Baht you have Control...
  6. my wife is in government she has more medals on her chest than patton..ha
  7. Government making a U turn on a law it passed How Unusual..
  8. Daddy's got an envelope ..move on nothing to see here
  9. ok I'll stop using mine ..Sorry
  10. they will be back again soon with No deterrent why worry ..will any fines ever be paid ...
  11. I know a few who have a few quid put away ..bit many also that live month to month on the UK pension exactly as they would back in Britain..not all X pat's have cash eh !!
  12. could be a good idea to report this ..government might need to control the masses again soon eh
  13. same here 5 am dogs howling ..owners not there ..welcome to Los eh !!
  14. yep screw the pensioners again we only contributed for 50 years of our working lives . Then again they need to money to support the lazy scroungers in the UK ..just sayin
  15. well said that man I agree 100%
  16. same here 10 years only ever seen my drunk countrymen kick off ..never seen it with Thais ...I'm sure it happens but never seen it
  17. same here x pat of over 30 years the thought of going back to UK would give me nightmares..I'm here for the long haul even with all its negatives..I look at the positives..cup half full eh !!
  18. yep no helmet no insurance no tax no brakes ..only 12 years old that's fine... But No Shirt.. Terrible
  19. hope they have better luck keeping out unwanted food better than they keep out unwanted criminals..just sayin
  20. must be loaded new phone eh .. My Mate only uses an old one good quality movies all the time on You P##r ...He said !!!!!
  21. if the killer had a key ..leave lock door from outside ...job done
  22. yes I'm with K bank also..never taken more than a minute or so
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