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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. hold the police responsible along with the B#####d with the gun terrible police work ..if they could not do it they should have sent for someone who could ..i hope heads roll and justice is served against these incompetent morons RIP those lost and condolence to all the families..
  2. easy way to do it ..get rid of the current government ..problem solved
  3. so only bonk straight genders eh ..ill remember that
  4. let the place die a death no one to blame but themselves..greedy scamming vultures..
  5. so just when the government were panicking about losing control on the peasants and losing all the scams against foreigners another golden goose has arrived...Covid is gone Long live monkey pox ... They just can't let go ..
  6. it will be the death of thai tourism reap what you sow ..you deserve all the pain it will bring Again..no syphathy from me Idiots
  7. yep we are a family of 4 go to the beach near our home 2 -3 times a week take the pick up large mat fold up chairs and table all set up in 2 minutes where we want to sit = save 800 baht more comfortable.. buy food from street vendors move as we want no rip off 100 per chair job done..
  8. preparation is the key ..keep all your docs from the previous year on your pc just change time date..upload photos ..my wife does this at the office ..the longest part is going to the bank 15 minutes away for my certificate of 400.000 all done in a few hours ..no probs. Perhaps the female IO thinks im a hamsun man eh
  9. yes i agree its all about look what i have .. But really what i don't have eh
  10. hi ..i must speak as i find apart from the wife going with me for the extension and a photo of my house and kids No problem at all its not that I don't have the funds for retirement..but why put 800.000 when i can put half ..its takes a few hours to do the work for the visa if you cant spare a few hours a year you got a problem..also a lot of op retirement visas are as Dodgy as the cops..why pay 20.000 to some agent..just sayin
  11. never going to happen many thais i know live for today spend spend like have loads ..when they run out borrow more .sorted
  12. Fly like they drive ..any direction ..anywhere ..anytime..
  13. i got a mail back about my luggage allowance 35k+10k free + 7k carry on + 5k personal but had nothing definite about lounge access ill see if i can get into the one you said ..tks for the help
  14. not as far as i know but a new law has been passed this one cracked me up Child seats compulsory kids under 6... This os going to cause child casualties ..1 people will take more kids on their bikes..if thats even possible ..more accidents more injuries Now how can this law work lots of families 3/4 kids under 6 one is cant afford the seats also where the hell can they put them . What about the when the whole family on the back of the pick up no seat belts ..how about the baht busses that do the school run no seat belts ..will the masses rebel ?
  15. and sod all will change ..guns..knives.. machete =Thailand just a part of their life
  16. probably flying his plane like he drives his car ..anywhere any direction up or down the road Skilled pilot eh or was he on a holiday break from his job at 7/11
  17. yep can see that happening ..why not we are treated like we dont exist anyway ..Whoops sorry except for our hard earned cash TP perfect example Farangs only all thsis no probs ..
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