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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. another death blow to tourism....Bye Bye you couldn't make this S#£t up could you
  2. must have been a foreigner no thai unofficial or official taxi driver would steal from a customer !!!! would he Yes he bloody would be it on a dodgy metre or other means..never trusted them
  3. This is Thailand remember ..what do you expect .. don't give s##t about road safety not enough money to be made
  4. walking around Thailand with gold all over you = disaster no cure for stupid eh
  5. i live in Phetch loads of places for massage inc hospital real masseurs..
  6. im still on the fruit wines ..beers to cheap here for all the hassles..but if its a hobby different thing Bottoms up .Whoops sounds a bit like soi 7 eh
  7. no sympathy from me this stupid Pratt could have easily killed someone ..see it most days taking the chance on red lights .. didn't work well this time eh .Karma
  8. forget coke n the other stuff start dealing paracetamol 40.000
  9. they already do ..our local one if you leave food you have taken on the plate do not eat you pay again at our local Korean BBQ same
  10. work together with NL great idea get some ideas about how to run coffee shops in a roll up Sabai good ganja
  11. taken hell of a long time for the bib to act doe's he know someone...Do you know who i am...could be why nothing being done ..OR could just be no envelopes in it
  12. yep amongst the plastic bags and condoms..great beaches...
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