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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. well said that man ..i worked 50 years and given a pittance to exist on..just take a look at the European pensions 3x more and earlier retirement.. Britain you should be ashamed..
  2. My god these thai cops are fearless taking in criminals like this without back up...
  3. yep im sweltering here in Phetchabun..but find plenty of cold water during the day and plenty of cold beer at night does the trick..with a little dip in the pool job done..
  4. take off all restrictions while your head is still above water and some tourism can still be salvaged or sink into the Mire from which you'll not get get out
  5. yep I need to get back to europe to sort out some stuff but afraid ill get stuck there. with the never ending change's at the drop of a hat Government hasn't got a clue ...,.......... ill wait a bit
  6. contractors lots are just 200 baht a day picked up put of the local village they have not got a clue we had a house built total C##p all the work rubbish i could not name all the probs but ill give you one ..none of the doors closed not anywhere near we got them to send a guy he had no tools with him..he broke a Chang beer bottle one of my empties and began hacking at the doors edges can't begin to tell you the mess he made ..so the pool is sadly no different cowboy builder's.. I've been told not to say to much about the bad workmanship the owner of the company is the Village head boss mans Son no one in the Street with similar problems will speak out .
  7. yes agree..they say they are facing discrimination..are they saying no-one likes them since the conflict..did anyone like them before it...just sayin
  8. Hi ..my sons first renewal is coming up 5 years for this passport but still the same price as a 10 year adults... i got him his British passport soon after he was born even tho i knew he wouldn't use it ..now same thing 10.000 with agent fees for a passport he probably wont use my question is what happens if i don't renew it now and let it lapse will it be more difficult to obtain one later ..it just seems a waste of money to let it sit in the drawer for 5 years tks for amy help
  9. many still still have return tickets .. isn't that required..there are still routes open to get back to russia..but would you want to
  10. yes many could return..but if you were a russian would you want to back to Mad Vlad
  11. its all about the Cash...Greed...are these people brain-dead .. Test before flying here is a must.. Scrap the arrival one and quarantine..Simple
  12. i gave the mother in law 200.000 sin sot she paid for the wedding everything for 150 people that suited me .. i put 3.000.000 baht on the rug so everyone could see they did the old routine of dad walking away with it thai joke at weddings..all the neighbors saw what a fine Farang i was ..after the reception back to Bangkok bank put it back in that was years ago its still there high interest account ..job done everyone happy..its all a show .Face is very important to older thais
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