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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. if it was my kid it bit .id have killed it.. to many of these flea ridden things out there ..one of my major hates of Thailand..
  2. love the part. stop Russian Tourists coming here ..PLEASE.....
  3. oh what I'd give to happily walk around Lidl and Aldi in Pattaya ..as if eh
  4. you've already answered your own question ..keep away from foreign food shops ..shop local and at markets .not rocket science eh
  5. ive had 3 shots AZ and Pfizer all free courtesy of Thailand
  6. things must be getting tough ..bag snatching from Thais.. don't normally hear this...not enough farangs about i suppose
  7. well said mate i agree ..the UK looks after its immigrants first and doesn't give a S##t about the people like us who have worked and paid into the country for 50 years ..give the politicians the same per month to live on...as if eh !!!
  8. We cannot rush to condemn a country that spends money here in thailand !!! most every country in the world has stood up and spoken out about Evil Vlad..not the land of smiles.. money grabbing Barstuards.. showing their colours eh...
  9. yes i suppose so but not just us here but the sad amount our pensioners get to exist on in the uk so how does that add to the voting issue.. at the end of the day we have outlived our usefulness simple
  10. The UK is an embarrassment when it comes to taking care of its retirees...work us till we drop then pay us pittance to survive on whilst our European OAP's get a pension they can actually live on?.. when we move abroad we do not take up free government services ie.. doctors.. hospitals..dentists.. opticians..free transport ect ect we save the country a fortune by leaving but our pensions cannot be indexed linked if we decide to live out our lives in Thailand..Shame on the British government for treating us like S##t
  11. UK doesn't give s##t about its oap's we have outlived our usefulness.. discarded.no longer needed work us till we drop then pay us a pittance just take a look at what other countries in Europe pay their retirees..UK is a joke
  12. yes and the baht it to high bad for the ruble but not good either euro or sterling ..why
  13. good the sooner it bites and makes an impact the better
  14. i agree ..if the people protesting are of fighting age 18..65.. why not go back and help your country on its struggle..many in europe have might have more effect than holding a placard..
  15. yes i saw on TT exchange no rates shown ..does that mean we won't be seeing russians out and about in Thailand...What a shame.
  16. i agree but you are asking Thais to refuse the Chance of getting cash ...Big Dream they'd sell their soul for a baht...
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