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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. yep normally have a couple after my evening walk..got a lot more flavour than the others not bad for standard and not import
  2. Marriage and Thailand ...2 words that should be used in the same sentence eh
  3. can you yell us more about the bit after the beetroot sandwich...
  4. yep that normal happen after 20 bottles try cutting it down hic..hic
  5. yes but remember where you are things changed at the whims of these clowns be careful..what you have been told today is not always what will happen tomorrow but good luck mate
  6. keep your pin number and hide your card and cash from the wife ....dont worry if you go missing she'll find you ..
  7. Put this on thai tourism publicity... hearing more and more stuff like this lately.. sad times eh ..
  8. tried that once in Pattaya stood as still as a statue bar..steward still bit me ill try the running away next time eh
  9. waking up to another day..which one day will not happen..be grateful for the life i have .. but most important that big smiling face of my 4 year old son ...lifes good
  10. true what do these peasants know ..a selected few will decide ...as usual
  11. imagine how many VPN subscriptions would get cancelled if it was made legal eh
  12. problem here is there are far better countries offering more for high end rich tourists.. stick with what you have for now .us poor x pats and be grateful
  13. yep now they have really tasted power over the masses they ain't going to let it go easily
  14. ive found that out 3 times ha
  15. Exactly why say racial attack.... she's a pretty girl.. she's out late in a subway station..has handbag ..phone would probably have been the same if she was a white girl robbery ..mugging doesn't have to be racists but it does sound better for the media eh
  16. move on nothing new here same old same old ... more APPS that won't work
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