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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. Hello just want to ask if anyone has had dealings with agents ect in phetchabun or has sold a property here. I have a house I'd like to sell it's only 2 years old ...my wife has now received a large plot of land from her parents not far from where we live I'd like to build a house there but can't afford to keep this one also..any help appreciated if you know an agent tks H
  2. will they relax the scamming of farangs also ..as if
  3. certainly looks like a clown now 13 million for a dud TikTok TikTok... you could have bought a nights worth of lady drinks in soi 7 for that ha
  4. look at the government stats on how many illiegal immigrants have disappeared.. that's straight from the horse's mouth ..what you see are probably the legal ones no problem with them ..Read my post again ILLEGAl I said ..you must live in a very nice area mate if you don't see gangs on the streets lucky you
  5. well said.. Britain is becoming a war zone with so many invisible immigrants that are there the government hasn't got a clue who is in the country perfect if you are involved in criminal activities eh just sayin..
  6. no he was loud..pushy... ignorant.. obnoxious..do I need to go on..spells Russian Oh sorry and violent
  7. true as in yesterday's attack fire missiles at a civilian apartment block..Great military strategy eh...Nope just Murder
  8. couldn't have happened to a better nationality Whoops !!! now I'm sounding biased
  9. yep I'm with you on that one mate positives far outweigh the negatives...glass half full eh
  10. no prostitutes in Pattaya ..Well Where the hell has all my money been going for the last 10 years ..I'm devastated
  11. don't you just love these Russians ... Quality why did he hit a lady..this isn't Ukraine
  12. I pulled a freelancer working in a phone shop ha
  13. true all those ghosts...eh
  14. a lot of it is in the family doesn't get reported to save family face....sad
  15. yes true poor families simply get paid off...job done
  16. more U turns than the Sukhumvit road..
  17. yep thousands of bookings cancelled.. companies keeping away ..what the Farce did he expect dingbat
  18. yes he did an argument not a shoot out..not same same.old chap
  19. yep this one even said sorry ..oh well must be a nice guy eh
  20. would be nice but we all know that is not going to happen.. he's already said sorry..that's 10 years off....Thai judicial system is a farce..won't see much time ..RIP the deceased..rot in hell this Thai coward
  21. they cried into their somtam when they were at the point of Starving no Tourists stupid acts like this could cause the same thing...let the greedy government feed them this time Nail in the coffin ...Thailand just finds ways to make it foooooking difficult for foreigners to get into this bloody country..perhaps we should stop trying eh !!!
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