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Posts posted by Blackheart

  1. He got hit by a younger man and that is not good, should have ignored him.

    However, when your minding your own business and someone pokes his ugly mug through the door and makes rude gestures and swears it's not a wise move, old enough to know better.

    The Thai male may have had people inside who were close to him, gestures towards them and him set him off.

    If your to old to throw down keep quiet

  2. The figures are ass about in some instances.

    And keep in mind some of these things his wife pays half.

    He pays to much for some things to little for others.

    Just curious, not saying it's not possible but how did your wife who is still young buy a house, after uni working life would be quite short.

  3. Thai women still prefer a Thai man above faran, most normal thai women wouldn't been seen dead with a farang

    That's a real troll post ☺

    Yeah everyone knows that poor Thai women are brought up with the notion that the only way out of poverty is to take up with a farang

    Absolute rubbish. I know some bar girls in our village and they wouldn't even bring those Pattaya farang <snip> back to their village. A good looking woman can make 100-150k a month and once she got a farang he might give her 20-40k a month. GoGo bars is easy money for the good looking one and they play the game to make money.

    If some fat bolded guy comes by and want to marry her and is that stupid to build the house and buys a car she sees it as good luck to take his money and then dumps him.

    Just two weeks ago an American came by our village and stayed for one day in a Bamboo hut with his new found love from some Pattaya GoGo Bar. This is the third guy that came by the last 4 years but that smart lady keeps bring the farangs to the bamboo hut but no to her 2 homes she have already. When I met her last week I asked her how much he gave her and she told me she skinned him for 350,000. I told her well done and she opened a few bottles JW. She now left back to Pattaya and hopes to fish another farang sucker in Pattaya.

    At least Thai guys are not that stupid as most of the farangs that fish for love in Pattaya.


    After your rant about no decent thai woman would be with a farang, tell us who live with in this small village where you have befriended prostitutes.

    Whose house are you in and who paid for it.

    When you point your finger be aware the other four point Right back at you.

  4. An interesting post,

    But when I read "Compared to women, only only 3% of men work in positions that contribute taxable income to the society."

    It made me wonder how many of us farangs in Thailand fall into the same category?

    I myself could be seen that way.

    I have an income form outside of Thailand that is not really taxed here as income, and I have a Thai wife who works and pays taxes on her income.

    If we are being honest, I think a lot of foreign husbands of Thai women are "samesame, but different.

    And, now..

    It's time for all of you "Yeah buts" to reply.

    Complete Bs, most men work in other countries.
    I am sure some foreign men in Thailand do work in other countries, but I think they are a pretty small percentage of the foreign men in Thailand.

    The majority of farangs I know here are either retired, living off of their pensions, social security and the like or are living off their savings and investments, not "working" anywhere.,

    If you are confident enough to claim my statement is "Bs", please provide some statistics ( and the source ) to back up your insult.

    I'm talking about Australian men working in Australia for eg, not Australian men working in Thailand.

    Why would I compare aussie men in Thailand with Thai men in Thailand, the expats done the hard yards, are retired and living off their own earnings.

    The comparison as common sense should dictate is between thai men living in Thailand and farang men living in farangland.

    In comparison thai men are useless, based on not all but majority rule.

    Why would you compare with farang men in Thailand, makes no sense.

  5. An interesting post,

    But when I read "Compared to women, only only 3% of men work in positions that contribute taxable income to the society."

    It made me wonder how many of us farangs in Thailand fall into the same category?

    I myself could be seen that way.

    I have an income form outside of Thailand that is not really taxed here as income, and I have a Thai wife who works and pays taxes on her income.

    If we are being honest, I think a lot of foreign husbands of Thai women are "samesame, but different.

    And, now..

    It's time for all of you "Yeah buts" to reply.

    Complete Bs, most men work in other countries.

  6. The Temple depends on the Abbott, many are good, unfortunately many not so.

    Cannot fault the Religion over the actions of some men.

    My wife's brother is an Abbott who has risked speaking out about corruption, he and many Monks worked tirelessly during the floods.

  7. Seen two Aussies help during an accident, girl come off her bike and was messed up.

    Everyone very much appreciated the help and all onlookers and police, everybody thanked them.

    Thais are not evil, they usually rush in to help from my experience when someone is hurt.

    I once stopped a woman dragging another onto a highway, she was beating her badly, I stopped her, she was in a rage, police pulled over and said thankyou and told me to go.

  8. I read the Bible.

    It says a virgin who was married yet somehow still a virgin gave birth to the son of God who is somehow still God.

    You pay him respects by going to church and pretend to eat his flesh and drink his

    Blood and declare him your Savior.

    He raised the dead and walked on water and rose from the dead himself.

    Their followers claim thais are backwards

  9. Many things are just normal as that's what they see their whole life, when they spend time in farangland they often see how selfish and disgusting it is to endanger their childrens lives the way they do.

    Such unsavory self righteous indignation. I'm sure the Thais love their children as much, if not more, than you do. You're a disgusting human being.

    So thais love their children more.

    You will not find my children without a seatbelt or helmet.

    Sitting on the drivers lap etc.

    Even thais that can afford a baby capsule often don't.

    What you call love i call selfish.

    Many can do far better despite their situation.

    You're pushing a ridiculous position, mostly to boast about your parental skills (who cares on an anonymous forum). So tell me, there are parents who are way overprotective of their children, to the point of not letting them be normal children. Does that mean they love their kids more than other folks? Of course not. If and when I have kids, I won't let them ride a motorcycle. But it doesn't mean I love my kids more than those who does.

    That's my opinion, you endanger your kids, that means your love of self is greater then the love of the children.

    You never endanger kids in a vehicle ever.

  10. Why farang come Thailand and talk for farangs on internet and always say Thai no good ?....

    Thailand not same same farangland, if come Thailand and say Thai no good...why not stay in farangland, but farang come Thailand for lady and get drunk for beer

    Farang come for sex because so many Thai woman are so soon easy to have sex with.

    Think about that.

    Yet another stupid generalisation about Thailand.

    Not at all, I'm refering to the westerners that come for sex, thought that was obvious.

    For those that come for sex it's given away like hot cakes, the Elephant man could get laid in Thailand.

    Still men walk around like they have achieved something.

    Then why did you not say so. Many of the westerners I know came because they were sent by their companies to do an expat job. I was sent here for nearly 4 years from 1994 to 1997. I was also sent by my company to Mexico, Chile, Venezuela, Qatar, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Egypt, Kuwait, Sri Lanka and Portugal. When I quit and went contracting I went to Holland, Belgium, UK, France, Germany, Thailand, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand before finally retiring in Thailand.

    Does visiting those countries make me a sex tourist?

    As I said of your post before, yet another stupid generalisation about Thailand.

    quote from your post

    "Not at all, I'm refering to the westerners that come for sex, thought that was obvious.

    For those that come for sex it's given away like hot cakes, the Elephant man could get laid in Thailand."

    If that was what you meant to say then why didn't you say so in the first place.

    She said we all come for sex, she is judging farang, but she forgot to take note of who is giving them the sex.

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