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Posts posted by Blackheart

  1. I agree with your post.

    I could not go back to live in the nanny state of oz anymore. It used to be a good country 20 to 25 yrs ago. Now the people are strange and all after the money. Bills are extremely high and people are struggling. Id rather be in thailand and not have to worry about speeding in my car and being pulled over

    So It's Australian's that are after the money, That would never happen in Thailand

    Right, no corruption no woman on the take no duel pricing no greed to be seen in Thailand by the ordinary man or by the system.

    Thank God for Thailand, the land of opportunity and good will.

  2. Ask her to show you an up to date statement.

    You will see the bank is empty as why would she shift it from your account to hers when unless she was saving to leave you.

    She will then spin some Bs about it being stashed in the safety of her mums mattress and cannot access yet.

    The money is gone, long been spent, Kick her out and let her make her own way.

    You send her to Thailand she will not be back, let her get her own ticket.

  3. If her English is good can't see the issue.

    Surely she understands the word war,tell who fought and how many died.

    Probably lucky if she wants to hear more then that as she may be thinking about her next meal or the previous nights thai drama.

    Thai education they say only focuses on Thailand people say, I find they know f all about their own country past and present to.

  4. Many posts seem like sad egotistical attempts to argue who has the most knowledge and experience about Thailand.

    Truly pathetic.

    My post was not about 'knowledge and experience'.

    I merely pointed out that these people, at some point in time, must have been issued a licence to sell alcohol legally.

    Its all good, was not refering to yours anyway.

  5. It's often said here only young people hit woman etc.

    So should I assume the older generation who did such things outgrew it, became kind and loving all of a sudden.

    Maturity is mentioned to, I don't see to many people acting in a mature manner, the complete opposite in fact.

    Chasing young woman around bars is not mature.

    The young and old are behaving the same, so why hate each other.

  6. Now people always mention Hugh Hefner.

    His woman were attractive but certainly had nothing else going for them.

    Do you know old Heff came home and found them both in bed with a young man, cost the young man nothing to.

    The Girls were swiftly given the boot, so he is not looking to sharp and not someone to make comparisons with.

    How about finding an example of a working class old man who has a young woman, with true love to make a comparison.

    If you mention Hefner it's an admittance of cash being the only factor.

  7. What is bugging you blackheart? Appears you have an unspoken beef with older chaps enjoying younger ladies...is that so bad? Older men are generally more financially secure, generous, dependable, loyal and committed when in a relationship...is there something wrong with this picture?

    Where did I post that I have a problem with it.

    For the record age has nothing to do with generosity and loyalty and dependability.

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