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Posts posted by Blackheart

  1. Looks like a lot of people here rushed into a loveless relationship.

    Many people grab the first thai woman and marry way to quickly, no love really to begin with.

    Then they wonder why things go pear shaped after the honey moon period.

    Take your time and have a long relationship before marriage, spend time examining every inch of the closet for hidden skeletons.

    Common sense is hard to find in a new relationship when things are shining bright, marry after the lights dim and she still shows you feelings.

  2. Thailand cannot really be considered a Democracy at present.

    Will there be an election soon, or will the military dictator draw it out for years.

    When an election occurs will a coupe immediately take place.

    What say you.

  3. My wife is 3 years younger.

    Happily married almost six years, together eight.

    Same religion, never changed for her I changed to Buddhism as a boy.

    I have no desire to be Thai or act Thai or even really understand, she can do her thing and I do mine as long as we remain faithful.

    Great so far, two kids, never Fight,only petty crap, no complaints.

    Really she is my best mate and wife, we talk about everything, except thai drama then I have to shut up.

  4. I think Thailand is going to hell in a hand basket. But so is the rest of the world. I know of many,many Thai,s in labour making the same daily or monthly wage they did 10 years ago and costs have doubled.My wife has 2 university degrees and works at a school for 8,000 baht a month. Inflation is high.and wages do not keep up. Education is non existant. I know guys foreigners who were high school drop outs teaching english at Thai high school,s. The diet of most Thai,s now is sugar and ajinomoto, making American junk food look healthy.Family the most important part of Thai culture is being lost with the young becoming westernised. The old are being forgotten and left alone where before they were taken care of by the next generation,and government has not stepped in to assist them. Corruption is so costly. Before corruption added up to 30% to contracts now it reachs as high as 100%. Crimes against tourists has risen dramatically..

    I have seem only one positive . there are more hospitals and clinics than before but the staff is poorly educated so does it matter they are there?

    I tend to concur with your overall assessment, but there are a few other positives. Technology has improved over the years, in terms of the Internet access and mobile technology. There's more of an international presence of products and stores than was available in the past. But beyond that, I don't see a long list of positives.

    On the flip side, one might argue, yes, Thailand is making progress, if by that you mean progress in going back to the stone ages (rhetorically speaking)... whistling.gif

    Lack of a responsive government, lack of law enforcement, lack of an impartial/unbiased justice system, senseless violence aimed at both Thais and foreigners, continuing carnage on the roads that no one in authority seems serious about addressing, endemic corruption. freedom of speech and freedom of the press curtailed, etc etc etc.


  5. How exactly has Thailand progressed.

    Tractors instead of Buffaloes, what else I have no idea.

    All I see is a nation ready to implode.

    Another amazing ruler full of great promises will turn it all around until the next coupe,not.

    Corruption is rampant, health care is a joke, welfare system a joke, education well you need a degree to work almost everywhere from McDonald's to Swansens so they are worthless.

    What progress has been made from within Thailand.

    I really am surprised so many can actually organise a root in a brothel

    I didn't think it was quite that bad!

    You're right, it's not that bad. Quite the opposite, actually, in many respects. BH doesn't even live in Thailand, yet feels the need to bash it with massive exaggeration and nonsense. I wonder what his agenda is because guys like that always have one....otherwise, why else would they feel the need to lie with such intensity?

    So I'm lying, that would mean there is no corruption, education is great, welfare stem great, Medicare great.

    I said they are terrible, tell me exactly what parts are good.

    I said massive exaggeration (true) and nonsense (true). And yes, outright lies. You said "health care is a joke." I've been through the Thai medical system and it's absolutely not a joke. I've received excellent, professional care in Thai hospitals. I've gotten both medical and dental care, never a problem. And the cost was more than reasonable. So you're basically telling a lie.

    Are you talking about the medical system for the average everyday day thai or private hospitals etc.

    After all if your speaking from experience it's likely you went private.

    We are not talking private hospitals or schools we are talking what the government does in general for the average man.

    F all, and that's a widely known fact, take off your rose coloured glasses and realise the average thai receives nothing from any dept.

  6. How exactly has Thailand progressed.

    Tractors instead of Buffaloes, what else I have no idea.

    All I see is a nation ready to implode.

    Another amazing ruler full of great promises will turn it all around until the next coupe,not.

    Corruption is rampant, health care is a joke, welfare system a joke, education well you need a degree to work almost everywhere from McDonald's to Swansens so they are worthless.

    What progress has been made from within Thailand.

    I really am surprised so many can actually organise a root in a brothel

    I didn't think it was quite that bad!

    You're right, it's not that bad. Quite the opposite, actually, in many respects. BH doesn't even live in Thailand, yet feels the need to bash it with massive exaggeration and nonsense. I wonder what his agenda is because guys like that always have one....otherwise, why else would they feel the need to lie with such intensity?

    So I'm lying, that would mean there is no corruption, education is great, welfare stem great, Medicare great.

    I said they are terrible, tell me exactly what parts are good.

  7. I live in Australia, probably will reside in Thailand one day.

    I am entitled to an opinion on their government however as are the expats, and just because they don't like the government does not mean they are unhappy with their lives there either.

    As for old I'm forty, not to old yet, old enough to give an opinion when an opinion is asked.

  8. How exactly has Thailand progressed.

    Tractors instead of Buffaloes, what else I have no idea.

    All I see is a nation ready to implode.

    Another amazing ruler full of great promises will turn it all around until the next coupe,not.

    Corruption is rampant, health care is a joke, welfare system a joke, education well you need a degree to work almost everywhere from McDonald's to Swansens so they are worthless.

    What progress has been made from within Thailand.

    I really am surprised so many can actually organise a root in a brothel

  9. I met a lovely lady in Nana, she is a waitress,the other girls are bar girls but she is the only one who is not in the bar.

    She took money from me for sex but assures me I was the only one and I firmly believe her as she is very sweet and thinks I'm hansum.

    I send her money to quit her job, she no longer works there, she just goes there every night to visit friends, friendship is important in Thailand.

    She lives with her brother to, he has fallen on hard times so they are forced to live in a single room apartment, one bed, very sad, I help him to until he can get back on his feet.

    It amazes me how many problems they have had since we met but I'm happy to help as she will surely love me long time for better or for worse.

    Lucky you whistling.gif

    Oh dear, please tell me that post did not fly over your head

  10. I met a lovely lady in Nana, she is a waitress,the other girls are bar girls but she is the only one who is not in the bar.

    She took money from me for sex but assures me I was the only one and I firmly believe her as she is very sweet and thinks I'm hansum.

    I send her money to quit her job, she no longer works there, she just goes there every night to visit friends, friendship is important in Thailand.

    She lives with her brother to, he has fallen on hard times so they are forced to live in a single room apartment, one bed, very sad, I help him to until he can get back on his feet.

    It amazes me how many problems they have had since we met but I'm happy to help as she will surely love me long time for better or for worse.

  11. When you build on land a spirit house is built for Chao Thi the displaced land spirit.

    Better the house happier the spirit, food and incense is offered to appease him and ensure he keeps bad spirits out.

    The figurines are to bring luck and protection.

    The red drink represents Blood as blood was actually once used however many thais forgot this and simply think he is a red Fanta fan, it was from the days when ritual animal sacrifice was made meat was placed, fruit, and a bowl of blood.

    It was animism not Buddhism.

  12. Maybe she does not want to admit she does not know who the father is.

    That maybe why he is not on the birth certificate.

    After after a relationship surely someone somewhere would have said your ex had a child.

  13. You say she wanted to go now.

    You also keep saying she feels she deserves the best despite being an uneducated village girl.

    The problem is she is walking around with her tail in the air as the locals say, and your allowing it.

    You can put a silk hat on a pig, it's still a pig, she needs to remember where she came from and you stand up to her.

    If you did not let the mighty dictator who has ruled your land for fourteen years rule you would have got her to a local Dr.

  14. I do not teach but I see that hatred of Western Teachers is rampant here.

    Why do expats have such a dislike of them and how are they bothering you.

    I have only met three and I found them to be quite nice people who were just looking for an amazing life experience in their young days.

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