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Posts posted by CoreanoOzzie

  1. They are very large Korean expat community living in Thailand, I was told by one Thai acquaintance that some of the crackdowns on Thai visas was due to their large presence in Thailand, unlike the Japanese the Koreans benefited for years from the 90 days visa exempt stamp which was cracked recently if arrived by land border there were even a dedicated visa run service for them, most of them are running business here obviously without work permit.

    Not as large as the Japanese expat community though.

  2. The FACT is that many people here do not know about the real songkran tradition. The stupid water playing is for sure no tradition.

    give water to the fools for celebrate their moron festival. in the roman empire this was called panem and circenses.

    "Their moron festival" well that is not a very nice thing to say.

    The FACT is that traditionally the Thais have been playing with water during songkran since at least the 1930's. Every year now the Thais traditionally play with water. I don't know how far you have to go back for this to be considered a tradition for you.

    The beautiful thing about Thai culture is that it constantly evolving. In 100 years from now people will look back at these times as a tradition.

    Fun people these Thais.

    Traditionally the now world famous water festival has never been cancelled because of drought or to save westerners from getting a little wet which coincides with the hottest part of the year and when most of the population has holidays.

    It is also now a tradition on thaivisa for some grumpy farangs to complain about songkran every year.

    Songkran will go on despite the drought, It is unstoppable.

    Can you imagine what Thais would think of farangs in general if they knew what a lot of moronic farangs were saying on these type of forums?

    I show/tell my Thai friends all of it.

    It does p4ss them off. But they also laugh about it. One of the most admiral things I have found about the Thais is they don't generalize too much unlike the farang thaibashers. They use the phrase "bang kon" or "some people" a lot. They are smart enough to realize there are good and bad people from all countries.

    I reckon they are good at pickng who are the grumpy whingers also. Which leads them to give the whiners bad service which then leads to the grumpy farang whining more. My dad used to complain to the Thais, it took me years to change his attitude, but now he sees why it works better to smile in Thailand than to complain with a p4ssed off look.

    My maid gets fired up the most and questions why are they here if they don't like Thai people. I wonder also.

    We have concluded that most of them are here for the bar girls. The bar girls are using them, so SomNaam naa!

    She was the one that gave me the idea to post that if the farangs want to cancel/reduce water play under the guise of "saving water for the poor farmers" that it would save more water if these farangs went back to their own countries and stop using the Thai people's water.

    Also I am tipping that if I went back through the farang posts who are claiming songkran should be stopped because of the drought I reckon I would find that last year they had a different reason.

    Nice post, you are a good man! I just never understood why foreigners would choose to live here if they hate it so much?

  3. Yes it's racist, so? Almost every country is racist to some degree in some ways, even though they may have reams of ant-discrimination laws on the books, America being one. At least Thailand doesn't screw around with pretense, it says, there's Thai people and then there's a the rest, it doesn't specify one race or nationality as being particularly inferior, instead it says Thai's in Thailand are slightly better than everyone else hence they get a discount and nobody else does.

    Yes, at least farangs do not get bashed, spat at or verbally abused by Thais here.

    As long as you can go shopping around the whole goddamn planet looking for somewhere where it's worse than in Thailand you'll probably succeed.

    It does not legitimate "discounts" based on race. If you think it does, it is YOU who is racist. YOU, for justifying racism.

    I'm pretty sick of the US being dragged into everything as well, with someone saying "it's worse there." This is ILLEGAL in the US, since you want to make a comparison,

    Really, I think that you would justify anything as long as it was a Thai anything.

    What are you on about?

  4. Middle Ages ignorance and superstition is alive and well, and living in Thailand.

    All over the world, not just in Thailand.

    Walking on water, living in the belly of a wale, raising the dead, a white guy born in the middle east, an African named moses who looked like Charleston Heston, or penguins from antartica who walked to the desert in the middle east to get on a boat!cheesy.gif

    And that is only one of many popular superstitious cults in the world!wai2.gif

    And the first miracle, a man born in Palestine finds friends called Mathew, Mark, John, Paul ( bit of a travelling name changer there ) and a few others that he could go drinking with. ?

    Athiests are the vermin of the world. Truly add no value and are a waste of space. A disgusting mob who should all be rounded up, sent to deserted islands and then sent packing.

  5. Yes it's racist, so? Almost every country is racist to some degree in some ways, even though they may have reams of ant-discrimination laws on the books, America being one. At least Thailand doesn't screw around with pretense, it says, there's Thai people and then there's a the rest, it doesn't specify one race or nationality as being particularly inferior, instead it says Thai's in Thailand are slightly better than everyone else hence they get a discount and nobody else does.

    Yes, at least farangs do not get bashed, spat at or verbally abused by Thais here.

  6. Thailand would like to shake of the third world status but it will take more than a few ungoverned punitive laws regarding animal welfare to do that Thais general attitude and lack of respect in Thailand towards other people and this loosing face attitude has to go and it will take at least a generation to get this attitude out of the Thai culture

    As Thai parents don’t seem to care what their children grow up to become, with all these young males cutting wives and girlfriends throats or setting fire to them when they want out of an abusive relationship, and animals care is well of the list of things to bother with.

    Most Thais care about animals, it's part of Buddhist teachings. Also, Thailand isn't 3rd world, I would say it's a developing nation.

  7. I love how the Thai cops allow the public to get at these types. And never charge the attackers fo meting out a bit of justice. In western countries you can't get at them like this and you would be charged.

    I am also not surprised that, despite the fact that no Thais were involved, the Thaivisa thaibashers still took the opportunity to do what they love doing most.

    Well said. However, the Thai bashers are always out in force, even if Thais are innocent. It's a remarkable trait found on TV and Bangkok Post etc.

    Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

    They see it here

    They see it there

    They see bashing everywhere

    Even when none at all exists

    They're the dedicated

    Defenders of Thailand

    Apologies to the Kinks and those who feel stuff like this should scan...

    What on earth are you on about? Taken your pills today mate?

  8. OUCH! ..... The economic elite are losing their cheap labour.

    Consider the idea that may be part of the whole process. Cheap illegal labour. Whereas if legal migrant workers who were paid legitimate wages they would be better off.

    Many ignore the reality of what Thailand is and has to do to legitimize itself internationally now.

    Few realize/acknowledge that Thailand has the second biggest economy in SEA .. It is a magnet for migrant workers from all surrounds.

    Over decades Thais have been made lazy in reputation. A reality is that illegal workers taken on cheap preference have sidelined them and after decades are resigned to it while being subsidized to remain so with popularist support policies .

    A new era is being implemented.Corporate corruption taking advantage of is being eliminated.

    Migrant workers can return..legitimately...If Corporates need workers the the selection of Thai versus migrant has the potential to eleviate the outflow of Thai reserves which can be directed into faster development of infrastructure.

    Criminal migrants who risk death for stealing from Thailand know the risk .

    While the majority of the world retains Nationality the protection of that Nation is the function of governance.

    Humanatarian concerns therefore.are in conflict with Nation .

    Humanitarian concepts are promoted at the same time asserting National individuality creates humanitarian issues .


    A bit off topic but you certainly are correct about the illegal laborers to Thailand. In the last couple years I have been astonished by the number of waitstaff in bars & restaurants to whom I speak Thai to order who have no clue - they're Filipinos. Now maybe these folks have valid work permits but it certainly sums up the Philippine economy when (and maybe 'if') they are are paid ฿300/day and that makes a journey to Thailand make economic sense to them. In that same vein, who can blame a Laotian, Cambodian or Burmese from coming to Thailand to enjoy its 'high' rates of pay.

    Yep that is a joke, can't even speak Thai to waitstaff in Thailand.....people complain all the time in the West about people not being able to speak English etc..........

  9. It doesn't matter if they are Thais, Cambodians or Burmese. They are still the scum on this earth , raping innocent victims.

    In this case they are clearly Cambodians and luckily the victims are still alive to tell the story .

    I agree.

    I don't know what the usual punishment for rape is in Thailand. Anyone have an idea ?

    Anyway, I am quite sure that these rapists will have it very hard in jail; after the high level of publicity of this case. One or more of them might not even last more than a few months in there, I think.

    At least 20 years in the slammer I think.

  10. I love how the Thai cops allow the public to get at these types. And never charge the attackers fo meting out a bit of justice. In western countries you can't get at them like this and you would be charged.

    I am also not surprised that, despite the fact that no Thais were involved, the Thaivisa thaibashers still took the opportunity to do what they love doing most.

    Well said. However, the Thai bashers are always out in force, even if Thais are innocent. It's a remarkable trait found on TV and Bangkok Post etc.

  11. I had a similar issue recently with my GMM box, called CTH and they sent me a new CTH box which took around 7-10 days to arrive. Then I had trouble getting the signal, but my family friend fixed it for me after a few days and now I am back in business. Using the Ku Band.

  12. Well that was an absolutely crappy result......we can't even beat a Utd team full of kiddies. What a joke, the title is slowly slipping away. Massive North London derby on Sat, it is must-win.

  13. Just a thought but would someone from the West, in this case France, really be able to identify an Asian? It is well known that to Westerners Chinese all look the same so how can they be sure of these guys? I not saying they are wrong and if they are they should be put behind bars for life

    you know what is really weird? i can tell the difference between all the Thais I know.

    they all look completely different.

    You must be one of the rare, cultured Westerners.

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