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Posts posted by CoreanoOzzie

  1. So many experts here on what makes Thai guys tick.

    How many have ever had one as a friend?

    [sound of crickets]

    That's the thing. You have the keyboard geniuses in here spouting their racist drivel in here about a topic they do not even know anything about. Then you have the typical small penis size catcalls from the gallery as a type of western superiority complex when the fact is most of you western lot are the most insecure of them all. Yes, the truth does hurt but most of you foreigners here are "broken" people who have miserably failed in your homelands. As I have mentioned in another thread, if I were in power, I would deport most of you and slap life bans on re-entering the Kingdom for your racism and general disrespect towards your Thai hosts. What an absolute joke...

  2. it all stems from penis envy. a small di@k. that's the root of all the problems you mentioned.

    What an absurdly stupid comment from an equally absurd human being.

    you have obviously not been in a serious relationship with a thai woman...

    this is EXACTLY what it is all about, size and what you know to do with it. money comes a second best.

    this is the only ever FIRST reason a thai girl wants to meet a farang.

    and you should have been censored for calling a fellow poster an 'absurd human being', pal.

    What are you on about? I am married to a Thai woman and she has much more money than I do! If it had been about money, then she would not have married me.......pretty simple really.

    I should have been censored? That silly comment from that guy should have been censored. Get a grip. You should be deported for your racism and stupidity..

  3. This is shocking and the teens should be punished accordingly. This happens a lot in the West unfortunately where minorities such as Asians are the victims of racist bashings and verbal abuse. There was one recent example on the Central Coast of NSW in Australia. Typically, the racist police swept the incident under the rug and did not declare it a racist attack.


  4. This is Thailand where Thai is the official language. I don't see western people speaking Thai for Thais when they travel abroad.

    English is the most common used international language. If you want to succeed in the developing world you must speak english. Whether it be banking, tourism, retail, industrial or resource sectors, english is the used in more countries than any other language and as such Thai's should follow suit if they want to move forward.

    This is the stock standard response from people who do not want to learn Thai even after they have lived here for many years. Your English above is also full of errors. Thais can succeed in their own country without the necessity to speak English. That is where you are wrong.

  5. I work on the assumption that the Air Traffic Controllers in Thailand are as professional as the Royal Thai Police, The Justice System, The immigration Department, The Bus Companies, the Railways Department etc. etc.

    I mean really, why should we assume the ATC people are any better? Or the pilots come to that.

    So I never fly on a Thai air company. I always fly Emirates and whenever entering or leaving Thai air space, I'm shitting bricks, re-reading the safety card, and timing my run to the closest exit.

    In most other countries I sleep through the landings and take-offs. coffee1.gif

    .....and you're still in Thailand because......?

  6. It's hilarious and pathetic to read people who are unilingual, have never learned any language and if they did, are unable to make one sentence criticizing people about their abilities in their second or third language. Typical TV ignorant crowd. Thanks god, there is more rational minority here.

    Exactly. It's usually people from English-speaking nations who mock others who speak English with an accent due to it being their 2nd or 3rd language. The ironic thing is it is the same people from these English-speaking nations who are either too lazy or do not have the intellectual capability to learn another language..

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