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Posts posted by CoreanoOzzie

  1. I don't know what the problem is with carrying a passport at all times while out and about in Thailand. I've been here for 8 years and I NEVER leave the house without it. It's small. It's light. It's easy to carry in my front pocket with a zipper so it doesn't fall out.

    You are in a 3rd world country. You have to think for yourself here. It doesn't matter if someone tells you that carrying a copy is OK; you know the rules change all the time. Carry your passport when out at all times and you will never have a problem. <deleted>. How difficult is that?

    Thailand is not a third world country.

    OK, I'll play your silly game.

    Yes it is.

    Do you have any proof to back your claim? Cos I see flashy malls, more flashy cars on the road these days, lots of nice restaurants and bars.....hardly "3rd-world" if you ask me.

  2. I remember times when all bars and restaurants in Pattaya had signs " No fragging Arabs allowed." This isn't a racist comment, just a fact how it once was.

    These days you could have thousands of terrorists hiding in Chonburi province alone, they got their own bars, look down on us and I'll never forget when they're trying to surround my wife when we were on a holiday in Pattaya with our son.

    It's clear that they would like to rule the world and it might be worth to think about all the sleepers in certain countries, ready to blow themselves up with a self made bomb, just to kill many innocent people.

    The south of this country is a great example what's actually going on. Tamil Tigers are also using Thailand to plan their attacks on Sri Lanka.

    I'm just wondering how much the "intelligence" knows about all these guys? Scary in my eyes. blink.png

    This surrounding of your wife and kid is an Arab game called Harush Gamea - google it. Filth

    These filth have no place in Thailand or any other country other than the sh!thole they spawned from. If they did that to my wife, they would not see the light of day.

  3. Here's an idea. If you don't like the threat of muslims cutting off your head or the heads of your loved ones then move to Japan. There are less than 1500 muslims in Japan and Japan are very careful of checking the ones they let in. They also do not let them protest or preach their evil beliefs. If they are caught trying to they are locked up immediately. The big question is why isn't the rest of the world dealing with these misguided paedophile worshippers in the same way?

    Yes, and good luck in getting a visa for Japan.........

  4. Thais love to party, Pattaya is the greatest party city in the world IMO. Parties everywhere every night, live music everywhere, gay pubs, Tomboy pubs (my favorite), Thai pubs and about 2,500 bars for the tourists.

    They will never be able to stop this, it has been like it for years and is only getting bigger with the huge influx of happy, partying Thais descending on Pattaya.

    The party never stops in Pattaya!!!!!!

    Noise, drunks and vomit 24/7, sounds lovely whistling.gif

    Women, wine and song!!!! 24/7/365. It is not for everyone. It is what it is, certainly not for everyone, but it is fun!!!

    And for hanging it on Thai music, I totally disagree, there is much musical talent in this country. If it wasn't for the fact that it is only in the Thai language it would be popular around the world. Thai rock, pop, morlam, look tung, for life music, classic, heavy metal, central tai etc. it is as diverse as the food here, which is one of the worlds great cuisines. Some areas have ten plus different music channels. Karaoke everywhere. So much fun.

    Why do farangs complain about Thais enjoying their music in their own country?

    Coz the music is Crap, an Thais cannot sing esp karoke.

    Harsh and generalising.....there is some good Thai music. No need to be so narrow-minded and scathing. You think there is no crap music from your country of origin??

    Some people enjoy complaining, if it is not about the music, it would be about something else. Some people come here and complain that it is too warm.

    Hmm Thais can not sing? All Thais I know can sing. Some better than others. Westerners can be very critical of other people's singing, which is why it is not common in western countries like it is here. Too critical.

    Singing is for fun. Some people just take fun things too seriously. No fun in that. I would rather listen to an ordinary singer than a good complainer any day.

    Western people think they are the best in the world at everything.........the words cultural imperialism and colonialism immediately spring to mind.........

  5. Why are you lot moaning? Actually I am not surprised but whatever. If you are a tourist, then you should be carrying your passport with you at all times, how else would you enter a nightclub or bar to prove your age or to identify you if sh!t hits the fan? If you are an immigrant (yes, you are an immigrant if you are white) here, then you most likely have a Thai driver's licence. Simple stuff really, it is not rocket science.

  6. Thais love to party, Pattaya is the greatest party city in the world IMO. Parties everywhere every night, live music everywhere, gay pubs, Tomboy pubs (my favorite), Thai pubs and about 2,500 bars for the tourists.

    They will never be able to stop this, it has been like it for years and is only getting bigger with the huge influx of happy, partying Thais descending on Pattaya.

    The party never stops in Pattaya!!!!!!

    Noise, drunks and vomit 24/7, sounds lovely whistling.gif

    Women, wine and song!!!! 24/7/365. It is not for everyone. It is what it is, certainly not for everyone, but it is fun!!!

    And for hanging it on Thai music, I totally disagree, there is much musical talent in this country. If it wasn't for the fact that it is only in the Thai language it would be popular around the world. Thai rock, pop, morlam, look tung, for life music, classic, heavy metal, central tai etc. it is as diverse as the food here, which is one of the worlds great cuisines. Some areas have ten plus different music channels. Karaoke everywhere. So much fun.

    Why do farangs complain about Thais enjoying their music in their own country?

    Coz the music is Crap, an Thais cannot sing esp karoke.

    Harsh and generalising.....there is some good Thai music. No need to be so narrow-minded and scathing. You think there is no crap music from your country of origin??

  7. Thailand does something good and only a few give praise. Where are all the old moaners? Saying "tee rak Thai mosquito make better me" Maybe on the learn Thai sub forum lol.

    Well done Thailand!

    It's cos most people like to have a moan about Thailand but yet deep down they love living here. Great news about the vaccine, I would get one ASAP once it's readily available to the public.....

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