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Posts posted by CoreanoOzzie

  1. I lived in Phuket for six years. I have been stopped by the police and frisked ONCE in all that time. The #1 target for the BIB is Thais.

    South Africa is cheap to live, but South Africans want out of there. They can't get their money out because of the financial restrictions.

    I was in Panama last year to check it out. It's supposed to be the #1 rated retirement destination. It was a terrible place. Razor wire everywhere, fat women and bad food.

    I was also in Colombia. Had a great time but I'll never learn Spanish which you'll absolutely have to have. Ecuador is still a possibility.

    Vietnam is a possibility. If Thailand is a 3rd world country, Vietnam is 2.75, Cambodia is 2.5.

    You're blowing off Thailand for the wrong reason. Don't buy anything. Go live in the place you want to stay for awhile and good luck.

    I'll take LOS, with its faults.

    Vietnam and Cambodia as more advanced than Thailand? Come off it.

  2. The ONLY reason I stay in Thailand is my Wife works here earning good money, if she didnt Id be outta here in a flash.I dont like the Thai people much id say 1 in 10 is decent the rest are pretty awful, I do like the fact I can grow almost anything as I like plants but really thats it.

    Thailand needs a real good kick up the ^rse in my opinion

    Good riddance to bad rubbish, I hope your type immediately vacate the country, you lot are oxygen thieves and a disgrace to other foreigners here.

  3. To be hones after more than 12 years I would like to go somewhere else.

    Main reasons:

    - Affordable and decent education for our 2 kids, we pay now about 100,000 Baht per year each at a private bi-lingual school, it's not good and getting worse

    - I'm getting annoyed by the caste society and the spastic social behavior that it brings with it in so many aspects of daily life

    - Increasing disrespect for foreigners

    - Enormous increase of crime

    - Political and economical developments

    You nailed it. Seriously. Disrespect of foreigners is in fact making me sick by the days. I am here because I don't have another choice and my gf is very kind and takes good care of me. Some people may like this place because they have never gone to another or other countries. One teaches students who don't have the least zeal to learn. One works with people who change like chameleons. Today your colleague smiles with you, the next day it is a different thing. It is very disheartening staying here for me.

    Increasing disrespect is totally warranted given the utter disrespect foreigners give Thais, Thai customs and Thailand in general. Look at the antics that tourists and immigrants get up to in Thailand. Heck, you can ever start here by looking at the bile on TVF and Bangkok Post. Do you think things happen for no reason? No way Jose.

  4. pretty naive question

    should be pretty obvious why thailand is full of single males young and old. have you ever been to bangkok, pattaya or anywhere else in thailand? what did you see there as a major draw?

    And you're obviously one of the folks here who are stealing Asian women from Asian men....and thinking with what's inside of your pants first.

  5. I think the issue here on TV is that some posters think that young people who act irresponsibly deserve what they get.

    I really hope they aren't parents..

    Plenty of old people come here and act irresponsibly, too - often getting themselves in all sorts of trouble.

    It's possible to feel sympathy for someone's plight, even if you don't agree with the actions that lead them down that path.

    In a word, NO! if you come over to a third world country which is dangerous and corrupt. it is your duty to know where you are going and what to expect!

    Bangkok is not 3rd world.

  6. world class players don't show up.

    There are only a handfull of "world class" players in the Premier League,and not one of them play for Arsenal whistling.gif

    I believe Sanchez is world class. Ozil, on his day, but his day doesn't come often enough. He's also too easily muscled out of a game.

    Can't think of any others other than Aguero and Silva.

    Deli Alli of course, by this time next year!!

    Hazard is world class, Yaya when he feels like it, Mata/Rooney are perhaps a tier below but not far away, Kos is world class imho, Bellerin will be.

  7. I just wish Ozil could shoot from distance....he gets in such good positions but does not possess the ability or confidence to strike the ball and that is a great pity. For instance, RVP or Bale would have tried their luck with a sledgehammer left-footed strike from that excellent position Ozil was in.....

  8. Do you include yourself in that vacuous observation? Or are you of the local variety?

    Because they're a bunch of failures in their home countries and had to resort to a developing nation to survive. Losers

    No I do not, I moved here because my Thai wife wanted to move back home. I am an intelligent, educated man. Hardly a loser, unlike many on here.

  9. Filipinos speak English, Spanish and Tagalog, So I find it hard to believe that the old man had an issue with communication, I think it was just another typical Thai taxi driver who can only speak an embarrassing version of Thailish.

    This is Thailand where Thai is the national language. The taxi driver does not need to know English. If you do not like it, then go somewhere else where it suits you.

  10. I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again...

    So many Thais really are a very angry, jealous, and emotionally unstable people.

    Similar behavioral patterns to that of very spoiled, untouchable, five year old children.

    Disturbed and poor emotional health, mental health, anger, lack of forethought and jealousy, really are a blight upon so many Thais. sad.png

    And we have Mr Perfect here.

  11. German engineering.

    Thai maintenance.

    And yet the Germans have trains colliding head-on with each other. You should see the train system in Sydney, it is shocking and there are delays all the time. 1 major disruption here and the serial whiners are out in force. What's new though?

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