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Everything posted by PremiumLane

  1. I am sure if old folks homes wanted them they would, and I am sure they have before. So what is your point? Kids are exclusively hetrosexual till they turn 18, or something? We should hide gay people away?
  2. You can tell when there has been lots of stories about corruption and wrong doing in the press, they pull out the old "lets hunt down the foreigners" PR stunt
  3. Guarantee he will go on social media and cry about "the woke mob" cancelling him
  4. We should call this "ant-vax reductivism"
  5. haha you are on something as well ???? it must be good
  6. It is like some of the boomers on here who get all frothed up and excited if they think someone is working without a work permit
  7. You been reading the Daily Mail or listening to Fox News?
  8. Well if your political talking points are attracting literal neo-Nazis, then you should really start thinking about what you are pushing for
  9. and what is this "new way", cos if you are talking about science, well facts don't care about your feels and it is well known that sex is bimodal and sex and gender are different. And shall we talk about how hormones can change your body? Or, why there are differences in sex, due to hormone washes in the womb. I mean, we can talk actual facts or you lot can keep crying cos you don't understand these things.
  10. Good that most Thais don't agree with you, suck it up, grandad ????
  11. you can keep stomping your feet and being triggered, but facts don't care about your feels. Gender and sex are different, not my fault you are too smooth brained to understand this.
  12. yeah, we get it, you don't understand sex vs gender, well done
  13. No, they are a female in terms of gender - sex and gender are not the same. Yes, some people's sex characteristics match their gender identify, some don't. Wait till you find out that sex can also be bimodal, and how hormones affect people.
  14. Lots of triggered people on here. And sex in this case means gender, it isn't hard to work that out, but hey, get yourselves all frothed up instead.
  15. Nothing like a bit of xenophobia to get the smooth brains all frothed up
  16. Go and organize one, no one will stop you
  17. So, doesn't that make you a slut? Something you malign women for doing?
  18. C'mon you are being unfair, using facts and evidence to back your claims. What about "muh feelings" that the other posters clearly used?
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