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Everything posted by PremiumLane

  1. Yes, she was conned - you know there are people in this world who are not tech-savy or are in need of education about these kinds of scams, right? Personally, I hope we can provide education to help them, and not engage in victim blaming, crazy idea I know!
  2. We are being told at my work that anyone who comes back into the country has to do the TM30 again - they are being told this by immigration. Basically HR went to do the 90-Day reporting for some foreign staff and two got rejected cos they had just come back from a holiday abroad and didn't have a new TM30. Of course, this could just be the immigration officer, and that is the problem, no consistency with this type of stuff.
  3. You have proof of this? Show us how hospitals would have done this and why.
  4. you the expert virologist then?
  5. You must be Aseannow's resident climatologist.
  6. Now that's what I call projection The link isn't really for you, you will probably think it is too "woke" https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/the-science-of-biological-sex/
  7. yeah, forget the experts, the studies etc. this dude has video from a right-winger who is scared of the word "woke" The clown profile pic suits you
  8. No, not our fault you really don't understand sex vs gender - wait till you find out sex is bimodal as well. She uses the pronoun of Miss, so how does that "gotcha" work?
  9. Funny how the "why is everyone a snowflake nowadays" are acting like massive snowflakes cos of trans women.
  10. Change it to "I don't understand the difference between sex and gender, cos i am smooth-brained" and you will be on to a winner
  11. I told them that when I was stopped before. I had photos on my phone of my passport, visa stamps and work permit. When they started whining about not having my passport on me, I told them it was in my hotel and I was on my way to a national park, so I wasn't going to carry it with me. Also, asked them why would I carry it around with me everywhere when immigration heads have said copies are OK.
  12. Are you from the Vietnamese tourist board? Just dropping ideas on how to decimate tourism in Thailand?
  13. They pull out these kinds of big fanfares just after they have had a spate of bad news stories. I thought they got rid of all the overstayers before? And there is nothing more tedious than some jobsworth immigration officer getting all excited cos he gets to run around in his SWAT uniform checking passports in tourist areas... had it happen to me in Kanachanaburi, they were clowns.
  14. It is like Hunter is the alpha all these conservative clowns wish that they could be
  15. So, basically you have made up something in your head to get angry about, well done.
  16. Cis was never devised as a slut though, was it? And you will find the gay community has coopted those words, so no I wouldn't have a problem with them. See, I am not a snowflake.
  17. You really should look up about sex being bimodal for a start. Again, have to repeat it, sex and gender are not the same. If you think identifying as a gender that has clear characteristics and social norms that people follow, is somehow like identifying as a horse, just shows a low IQ
  18. You need a safe space from the nasty word?
  19. Yeah, it was all a set up, the lizard people did it
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